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  1. D

    7 shot.

    That looks like a good adventure boss!
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    DAO .32 Pocket Rocket

    The naa guardian in 380 was terrible. Lots of support here for the p32
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    An Optic on a Hammerless J-Frame?

    I love j frames. I've argued up and down with the capacity kings on these boards for years. Optics are silly on a j frame. One thing about j frames is that if you have a good model, they are capable of incredible practical accuracy. in my experience they are reach a lot further out that other...
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    Bersa Thunder 22 NiB

    Definitely hung together as far as quality overall. I think the bersa was only like 200 at the time too. Wanna say the sr22 was more like 350
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    Bersa Thunder 22 NiB

    My 12 year old is tiring of the six shot 22s. Last saturdays range session had me thinking about a 22 semi for her. I like the Taurus tx 22 with 16 rounds on board, but I'm not sure if illinois even allows such mass assault pistols these days. Maybe a bersa firestorm 22 needs to find its way...
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    Bersa Thunder 22 NiB

    Glad I'm not the only one! I had a firestorm all black one first, then a duo tone one, finally an all nickel. Use to do a lot of horse trading and they ended up going towards something else, but no fault of any of them. They all ran great. As mentioned above, mags were a bit dear. I like...
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    Bersa Thunder 22 NiB

    I've had a couple and their 25 yard groups were respected. I bought one from a member here or tfl (like...20 years ago? Lol I'm old) I'd get another . Leave the slide locked back after you get it, as much as you can. Helps for the lower power range ammo. I broke mine in on velociters and...
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    9mm V Wolf

    The above was my experience with wolves as well. That said, if you're asking about 9mms ballistic effectiveness vs wolves, yes, it is enough. Consider Shoemaker was able to kill a grizzly with 7 rounds of buffalo bore hardcast flat point from a sw single stack. I would carry the 9mm that I...
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    Taurus mod 85

    85 is liken to a j frame
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    Do you CCW a fixed blade? If so, how?

    Folders with axis lock and wave opening are fast/ instant to deploy and rated for hundreds of pounds of pressure without failure...some of the cold steel folders like 600 + lbs. I don't think a standard kabar or buck 119 etc would take that. However I do love a good fixed blade, edc for me...
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    New Anaconda

    I didn't know about a matte finish option. I really like the look of it. Plus, if you change your mind, there's always mothers mag and sweat equity. I think I'd save the 300 bucks. Hate to mention taurus in the same breath as colt, but that looks like the finish a lot of their "stainless"...
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    Taurus: great bang for the buck or avoid?

    I'm loving a vintage stainless pt 92
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    S&W Mountain Gun 44Mag vs 45Colt - 🔥Underwood Gel Test Unexpected Results🔥

    44 is gonna be more versatile, from powder puff to barn burner
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    New vs old Model 10

    Spit no, the blueing is not better on a modern model 10. No offense intended, it's like night and day. If you're after beautiful blueing you'll need to go back a few decades.
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    .38 special

    2 Inch can make it tricky, but critical defense, federal punch both usually test decently meeting min fbi specs. Also federal deep, but that may be d/c'd. A sufficiently soft 158 gr lswchp will expand /deform and get like 18ish inches, but that can vary even in the same manufacturer lot so...
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    Modern Equivalent to British Bulldog Revolver

    Not the universal choice but my sw governor reminds me of one, especially loaded with the buffalo bore 45 colt wadcutters
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    What do I want? Deep carry.

    Forgot to mention, metal guide rod on the custom and the rubber wrap around grips, help a lot on the lil Elsiep.
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    What do I want? Deep carry.

    My deep carry is an lcp custom. Replacing an naa mini. Real tiny and light, but can reach out a lot farther and reload a lot faster and make a much larger hole.
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    Pawn shop find super wrangler

    I won't argue the single six isn't the better gun, no doubt about that. If I got TWO bad ones I might sing a different tune. I got two good ones, but if I didn't I would let ruger know. These are all pretty much post china flu guns, qa is a memory. They will fix it or replace it usually on...