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  1. Robbins290

    Bergara Premier 6.5 Creedmoor

    Congrats, I normally stay away from cabelas, due to there high prices. But you can catch some good sales. I got a Benelli lupo in 6.5 at cabelas, they were $1,599.00-$1,799.00 every where, they had the kaos editions for $999.00 It always pays to look at everything there.
  2. Robbins290

    9mm V Wolf

    That's how the giant eastern coyotes are here. Once you pull out a rifle, they bolt.
  3. Robbins290

    Can 380acp be better than 9mm?

    About 20 cents a round, Give or take local taxes. Also, I just bought some decent HP's in 380 for 50 cents a round. If you browse it, you can find it cheap. I am with you, being a 9mm guy, but I love having options, and its still priced cheaper than 40 S&W, 45 ACP and 10MM. Its a good...
  4. Robbins290

    Can 380acp be better than 9mm?

    Agree, i was talking about a Glock 19 vs glock 25, exact same size pistol.
  5. Robbins290

    Do you have a colored gun?

    I do, I have brown, green, pink, blue framed pistols, have pink camo, green, brown, nyan cat rifles and pink, brown and green shotguns. Life is to short to be stuck with black or stainless firearms.
  6. Robbins290

    Ruger RxM 10mm & .45?

    I dont think the Ruger will be able to accept 45/10 mags. There is a pretty good size difference between the 2, and to be honest, with full power 10MM loads, i would trust the Glock over a new design.
  7. Robbins290

    30-30 Winchester question for the ballistic experts

    I sight in all my rifles that way, if you happen to get one super close, you will either hit the kill zone or the spinal cord. Either way, deer is going down.
  8. Robbins290

    Lets see them bubbas!

    Does this count? started out as an illegal SBS. I welded a stainless steel pipe on to make it legal. There was not finish left on it, decided to use gold spray paint.
  9. Robbins290

    Finally purchased a VP9

    Get the 15 round mags for it. Makes it feel like a different gun.
  10. Robbins290

    30-30 Winchester question for the ballistic experts

    I am with you. Sothern deer are not big and deer are not hard to kill. And I have personally killed large deer with a 22MAG. If you can hit the lungs or heart with a 30-30, 150 grain, there is no issue.
  11. Robbins290

    Walthers PDP series front sights

    there are 3 heights, the 2 you mentions, and the 10MM/45ACP height. They go like like 42/43/43X (small frame)= 6.5 17/19/22/23/25/28/31/32/33/45/47 (9mm/40/357/45gap = 6.5 20/21 (10MM/45 ACP) = 6.9 So you might be able to match what the PDP has. They are only a few bucks so it would not hurt...
  12. Robbins290

    Cold weather handguns.

    I rock a Glock 20 SF when it gets cold. Big enough to use with or without gloves. Works with my gloves and it gets 20 below zero sometimes. Add wind factor, and its cold on a side of a mountain. Never had an issue in the extreme cold with it, but i also run it kind of dry in the winter months...
  13. Robbins290

    Finally purchased a VP9

    Thats how I felt, till gen 4 parts were dried up and I had the choice to switch to glock gen 5 or something else. I went VP9. Well worth the investment, and picked up a VP40 for around $300 on black Friday in 2023.
  14. Robbins290

    Ruger/Magpul RXM....Coming Soon

    Yes. A gen 4 or 5 out glocks a gen3.
  15. Robbins290

    Online sales... Doable?

    That is what I was trying to say, why is 3 lowers $75? When a transfer is $20. I am Very happy with the place I got now, $20 no matter what.
  16. Robbins290

    Online sales... Doable?

    I totally agree, and then some charge 75 for transfer's from PSA or buds guns on top of that. Never went back to there shop. I bought a Windham SRC for $400ish a few years ago. Actually had it transferred thru Windham weaponry. The guy there was pretty pissy i didn't buy the same rifle thru...
  17. Robbins290

    Online sales... Doable?

    Wow, guess i struck a nerve with you. I must have found a great FFL because they do not talk about trump, biden or local politicians. They talk about gun laws and stuff, but they are not parroting trump this, biden that like most of them. They also only charge 1 fee regardless of how many...
  18. Robbins290

    1911 Cool Trick!

    The Makarov can be used as a bottle opener as well.
  19. Robbins290

    Online sales... Doable?

    As a guy that does alot if online ordering, If you are planning on doing transfers. Keep the political stuff out of the shop. There are a ton of local home based FFL's around me and I drive over 20 miles to a certain one because there is no typical "gun shop talk". I legit have a guy i can see...
  20. Robbins290

    10mm vs 10mm FBI Load for Reliability in Glock 20

    My Glock 20 will run any ammo in spec, with no issues. I load some light 40 S&W loads for punching paper, for cheaper reloading. And my woods is load is a heavy, stout load. Never had and issue. Its a stock gen 3.