Not true. I have sold several handguns on GB and each time the receiving FFL either emailed a scanned copy or faxed me a copy of their FFL to include in the package. They all also wanted me to write on the outside of the box the name of the purchaser. That way they could call the person when the...
SP101 with spurless hammer and 2 1/4" barrel.
-It has a full length extractor, enough weight to tame magnum loads,
-The stock grips are about as good as it gets unless you go for Crimson Trace (which I recommend). I tried the Hogue's but the tacky rubber caught on clothes and made it print and...
No need for it to mention hunting. They believed in property rights so if you owned the land you owned what was on it including the game and they were yours to hunt as you wished, when you wished. Hunting on public lands is another matter. That is a privilege because you are using a shared...
The chances of the rest of the group continuing the attack after one or more are shot is IMHO unlikely. Most criminals are not brave nor do they have a high level of group cohesiveness in the face of gunfire. They are looking for easy prey and once they find out you are able to defend yourself...
I pointed that out because there is a meaningful difference between the two terms. Tampering with a "safety" feature on a firearm could carry some considerable weight in the courtroom, not to mention it raises the chance of a negligent discharge. Tampering with a "security" storage feature is...
Actually that's a good example of why you shouldn't play gunsmith without knowing what you are doing.
Updated post
Original post
Once again the IL is NOT a safety device. It's a security device. A grip safety is a safety device. A transfer bar is a safety device. A mag disconnect is a safety device. Funny thing about the mag disconnect. Lots of manufacturers make the same gun available with or without the mag disconnect...
Whether you tell the officer depends on if you are legally required to do so in the state you are in. This might not be your home state if you are traveling and it varies by state.
There is also the practical consideration of if you have to put your hand near and possibly expose your gun to...
Since the lock is a completely unnecessary add-on to the gun and has no role to play in the firing operation of the gun, except to make it less reliable, even one reported failure is too many. There are way too many reports of them failing over on the S&W forums to ignore. Of course S&W will not...
Whether you tell the officer depends on if you are legally required to do so in the state you are in. This might not be your home state if you are traveling and it varies by state.
There is also the practical consideration of if you have to put your hand near and possibly expose your gun to...
Can we please stop calling the internal lock a "safety"device? It's not. It's a security device. Nothing more than a built in trigger lock. The only time it comes into play is if the gun is in storage. If you disabled it and someone got your gun while it was stored and an accidental shooting...
"afford no realistic additional protection for individuals"
Yeah, that's why nobody in the police or military use them. What he fails to understand is in creating a police and military the people did not give up their right to have the same weapons. They merely decided it would be a good idea...
No need to wait for dedicated space. I mounted my lee turret press on a 2x6 and I clamp it to my Black and Decker Workmate. I've even taken the press to gun club and used it clamped to the top of a picnic table when fine tuning a load. It's nice to load in the sunshine. My whole setup (minus the...
I'll take a 3" Speed Six in stainless please! : ) Just about the perfect CCW revolver for belt carry.
It will go nicely with my 4" stainless Security Six and 2 1/4" SP101.
The Security/Speed/Service Six series were plenty strong for .357 so unlike the S&W's of the time Ruger didn't need to add...
Get one of the small electronic lock boxes. Walmart sells a couple that will work fine for about $50. One of them is sized to fit inside a drawer and opens up so you could put it in the nightstand and still have it secured. For a little more money you can get one of the nice ones that have the...
No need to worry. It's a "storage" device, not a safety device. The lock being operational is completely irrelevant to the outcome of any defensive use of the gun, unless you accidentally left if locked or it locked itself, which in either case probably leaves you dead. If you left the gun lying...
you're mixing things up. Lithium is the power source and LED is the type of bulb. You can get lithium powered LED lights.
The CR123 batteries were needed to drive the xenon bulbs that were required a a few years ago to get a pocket light to a bright enough level (generally minimum of 65 lumens)...
Fix it sell and join the burned by Taurus once and never again club. People buy into the "Taurus has improved" nonsense. I bought one of their titanium Trackers in 2003 because I believed the Taurus is good now reports. After paying to ship it back 3x for the same problem with a minimum two...
I have one and it's a blast. Don't forget to order a scope since it doesn't have any iron sights. I put a red dot on mine. I also got a 30 round magazine for it. Personally I don't think it does anything that a Ruger MK or good .22 revolver can't. For a BOB I'd rather have my K22 but the Charger...
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