Tanfoglio Giuseppe GT in 380 ACP around 1980. First handgun I ever shot and also the first I owned. Its a kind of Beretta Model 70 clone. I found it cheap but reliable.
M-1 Carbine would be my choice, but it should be remembered that M-1 Carbine ammo, even the cheaper Aguila stuff is rather expensive. I have owned both and there is nothing wrong with the HiPoint.
Unless you live in California, where the anti-semi-automatic rifle frenzy continues, lever-action rifles for self-defense are not an optimum choice. Since self-defense issues are off the table, the side-gate vs. tube loading debate isn't critical. Most lever-action rifles are used for plinking...
A sad day indeed. I hope that the Argentines and Bulgarians step up and make more clones. I may be wrong but I hear India is still manufacturing their Hi-Power clone. They could probably make a good nickel (or Rupee) if they decided to export them here. I love my 30 year-old Mk II BHP. Still my...
.22's are certainly not optimal and I would prefer the overly recoil shy to look at .22mag .32acp or .32S&WLong. Charter Arms still makes the Undercoverette in .32 H&R magnum, which can take .32 S&W Longs or even the tiny .32 S&W as well as the magnum. But if it HAS to be .22LR it can serve. An...
I picked .44mag, but frankly if I lived in the wilds of Alaska or just outside Yellowstone, I would carry a Mossberg 500 with 18in barrel loaded with slugs.
I just think that there are a lot of guys out there who intend to shoot .357 out of their .357 and then discover the cost difference with commercial ammo in .38 Special. I admire handloaders, but a lot of people just don't have the time, inclination or mechanical ability to handload. Lots of...
Well, the psychometricians say there are three kinds of intelligence, verbal, mathematical and visio-spatial. Putting together a 1911 is in the realm of the visio-spatial or what we call mechanical ability. When I was a wee lad my parents wanted to send me to plumber's school. Good thing I...
Do the CZ-75 and its clones reassemble the same way? I heard, perhaps wrongly, they were internally mostly like a Hi-Power. I was hoping that I might replace my 1911 with some kind of .45 CZ clone.
I have owned a 1911 for well over 20 years. Its a hoot to shoot and super-accurate. However, every time I field strip the thing and attempt to reassemble it the reassembly turns into a farce. I can never get the slide stop through the pistol into the barrel link. I eventually get it but only...
I had a nice H&R Single-shot in 47-70 that I bought off my wife's husband on a whim. I liked it even though I didn't shoot it much. I gifted it to my wife's nephew who loved guns, but it was destroyed in a house fire a year later. I think people like it because its a very hot cartridge that can...
My Summer carry, in less dangerous areas, is a Charter Arms Pathfinder Lite .22 magnum with 2in barrel. It is a J-frame sized 6 shot that weighs a mere 12 ounces. If it is Winter or I expect to be traveling in dangerous urban areas, I go for the heavier artillery.
If someone doesn't like .45acp them why not .40S&W? I have guns in both and like the .45acp a little better. The gentle push of the .45acp versus the more "snappy" .40. Still, regular practice with just about any round will make you skilled with it. Of course, you can stuff more forties into a...
My Ruger SR9 eats steel cased like candy. I honestly can't recall when I haven't used steel cased ammo in that pistol. In the five years I have had it, its never seen brass.
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