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  1. B

    point shooting home study course

    Fair enough. I agree completely.
  2. B

    point shooting home study course

    No, it does not. You focus exclusively on the shooting method to the exclusion of all other possible explanations and you selectively interpret the data to support your preconceived conclusions. There are a number of dynamics at work in a gunfight that might cause an officer to miss. Target...
  3. B

    point shooting home study course

    Some of your statements could be interpreted to suggest that you do as well. As I am sure you are wondering which ones, here is one made in this thread Perhaps you will satisfy my curiosity. Item: FAS shooting has both elements of...
  4. B

    point shooting home study course

    Actually, Scott uses what I would call an aggressive Weaver stance. He believes that works best, but allows students shoot using whatever stance they are most comfortable with. If you look at the pictures again you will see both the Weaver an ISO being used. I don't know what the ISO "dork...
  5. B

    point shooting home study course

    A critical but often over-looked aspect of Lou Chiodo's program is that it requires the officer to successfully complete each aspect of the qualification. You can only score 100%. If you have a problem with a stage of the qualification, you are remediated until you can perform it. That not only...
  6. B

    point shooting home study course

    Good question. Having completed both the NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor School and civilian instructor training, I consulted my lesson plans. For Law Enforcement: They teach...everything. Sighted, unsighted, weaver and isosceles. It advocates nothing. It states the unsighted...
  7. B

    point shooting home study course

    I understand that. So we are clear, I am not against threat-focused shooting. There is a place for it.;) I think we can agree to disagree over where the place for one stops and the place for the other begins. What I am against is the assertion that sighted-shooting does not work and is the...
  8. B

    point shooting home study course

    Yes. I never disputed the hit rate, only your assertions as to what was causing it. The ~80% comes from Scott Reitz of LAPD Metro. I am not sure if there is a report or not. I would recommend you contact LAPD. That works both ways. Perhaps some of the officers in the SOP-9 study did use...
  9. B

    point shooting home study course

    They are not silent. The information is available for those who ask. This is how we are able to determine the ~20% hit rate of police. This stands in stark contrast to those who loudly proclaim point-shooting to be the answer but provide no documentation to support their position. With your...
  10. B

    point shooting home study course

    Please share your method of point-shooting's hit rate under field conditions. If the SOP-9 is the authoritative study on gunfighting that you continually suggest, why do you continue to attempt to validate your method of point-shooting's combat-worthiness by providing examples of your range...
  11. B

    Would you defend?

    I never meant to imply the costs associated with having to use deadly force would stem from a lawsuit filed by the offender or his family, though they may. Legal representation while you are being questioned by the police (you are planning on exercising your Right to Counsel, aren't you?) and...
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    Would you defend?

    I know several attorneys are members here. Perhaps one will weigh in.
  13. B

    Would you defend?

    Well said.
  14. B


    Please share point-shooting's hit rate with us.
  15. B

    Would you defend?

    I guess I will be the dissenting opinion. My reasons follow. As Pax noted, very few scenarios, where you are simply a bystander, afford you the level of knowledge make the decision to use deadly force responsibly. What you think is going on and what is actually going on may be two completely...
  16. B

    M16 rifle at 1000 yards.

    Lawdog, The typical infantry platoon is 3 rifle squads of 9 men plus a weapons squad. You would have roughly 27 SDM's per battalion, not including snipers. Whether or not the SDM program has been implemented to that degree, I can not say. BH6 (who's light infantry platoon of ordinary 11B's...
  17. B

    point shooting home study course

    Yes. It is on page 2-17 of FM 23-35 Combat Training With Pistols and Revolvers dated October 1988.
  18. B

    point shooting home study course

    I did not mean to disparage QK, but here is what FM 23-35 (OCT 1988) says: "b. Flash Sight Picture. Usually when engaging an enemy at pistol/revolver ranges, the firer has little time to ensure a correct sight picture. The quick-kill (or natural point of aim) method does not always ensure a...
  19. B

    point shooting home study course

    The conclusion is not logical. You have failed to demonstrate that the sighting method employed is responsible for the poor performance and that a change in sighting method would improve performance. If you have, I missed it. Consider this statement from Thomas Aveni regarding the correlation...
  20. B

    point shooting home study course

    If an individual asserts that the poor performance of police officers in shootings is attributable to the sighting techniques they are trained in and yet there is a department (or part of one) that is expereincing significantly higher success rates using the same techniques, that is certainly...