Hey guys.
This is Eric Larsen, HBE....bla bla bla.
I just wanted to let you guys know Ive changed my phone number because of harassing phone calls I was getting.
Someone posted my phone number on a website that is of bad moral and social taste....I wont get into it any further than that...
Actually you can reduce the amount of holsters you buy by choosing the style you want analytically...much like you are thus far. Look around and find a holster maker that will chat with you about your needs/likes/dislikes etc...and go from there.
The weapon you have is very thin and should...
Thanks guys....even being thrifty..Ive got two kids going into jr. high and know how expensive this all can be...thus the sale.
My lead time is 2 weeks or less...from the time I take the order until I cut leather on it. Thanks.............Shoot well and god bless
For those of you with kids who are going back to school, I know its expensive.
So from the 15th of August to the 15th of Sept. we are giving everyone who mentions it "Back to School Sale" 20% off of everything they order. Just in case you wanted some nice leather and are feeling the pinch of...
Look for an ankle holster for a Colt detective or other 6 shot snubbie..like a model 65 S&W...any 6 shot snub will be close enough to work in an ankle carry situation.
Shouldnt be that hard..........Shoot well and god bless
Well thanks again for all of the great comments. We try and make the best leather available anywhere. If we can help anyone....just email or call. Shoot well and god bless
Thank you very very much for the kind words. Im glad you like it....its got quite a bit of cant on the holster...but thats what I like to do for Govt model 1911's. Simply it just works.
Thanks again for the nice review.........Shoot well and god bless
Well..my lead time is about 2 weeks.......I dont recommend finding other holsters that fit the gun. The proper fit of the holster is very important in how it works, retains the weapon and if the weapon moves on you...it will wear your finish very quickly.
Take a look around and if we can...
Well...thats honestly like asking what combination of mouthwash,toothpaste and tooth brush is the best?!?!
There is no best holster, trust me...Ive been trying to make it for years.
Look at what you want it to do......is comfort or concealment or reholstering or stability or tuckable or...
Well Ive had over 35 CZ's over the years and the Compacts (all of them) have been my favorites.
As far as the alloy frame ever getting worn out....Ive had 4 pcr's over the years and put 10's of thousands of rounds through them and never even had them loosen up, let alone wear out.
The B is what was left of a defunct Colt contract with CZ.....great guns, IMO one of the best CZ's and they only come with 10 rnds mags.
Shoot well.............
Horse....if you would simply call me you wont be out either, money or holster.
Im not a thief and dont appreciate being called one!
The balls in your court and the offer had been extended. What you choose to do with that is up to you. You are owed a holster/what have you...and Id rather...
Well thanks for the kind words and pics. Its very kind of you to tell of your experience with me. There are alot of negative comments about my history on the net and its nice that people know that its not that way anymore. Anyway......hope it works for you for years to come.
Shoot well and...
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