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  1. Q

    Making a buttplate for a recoil pad

    The slip on pad is modeled for the 870 express, so it's only a few millimeters larger than the actual pad. I'm just eyeballing it, but the slip on pad has 1/4'' to 1/2'' of rubber between the edges and the air pocket, so I think I'll have the margin for grind to fit. Worse case, I mess up the...
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    Making a buttplate for a recoil pad

    I need a sanity check on an idea I just had to make sure I'm not doing anything too stupid. I have an 870 Express with a slip on limb saver, but it's shifting slightly when I shoulder it. Therefore, I want to screw it into the stock like the factory "recoil pad". I hear the screw on limb...
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    NY to restrict Assault Weapons, Limit magazine size to 7 bullets

    I think this might be a good thing. The residents of New York voted in their representatives knowing their stances on gun control. Therefore, you can't blame them for wanting to pass gun control bills. I believe going into the future that the definition of "arms" should be a state right. You...
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    Feeling on 3d printable rifles and mags?

    You still can't print the receiver, which is the actual part of the firearm that is legally a firearm. Until they can start layering metal in those printers, have fun with your magazines!
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    Laser Sights - Usefulness

    You bring up some good points about night time shooting. I've not had the opportunity to practice pitch black or low light so this is all new to me. I did what you said about holding a flashlight and using the glow to see the sights. Here's what I got: There's no way for me to see those...
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    Laser Sights - Usefulness

    I knew the sights were going to be a problem when I bought it. Unfortunately, there's a train of thought that pocket size 380s are only for point and shoot distances so the alternatives weren't any better.
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    Laser Sights - Usefulness

    I read through some of this and I pretty much agree. Using a laser sight in place of an iron can only slow you down. However, here's what I'm working with: I have trouble lining up these "sights" in broad daylight, let alone low light conditions. Would a laser sight help me line up the irons...
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    Laser Sights - Usefulness

    Is there a consensus on using laser sights for defensive shooting? IE Laser sights on EDCs? Is it useful, do I have to completely retrain sight acquisition when using one? I have a TCP that I really like pocket carrying, but the lack of sights bother me. I get concept behind low profile...
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    Top Shot - Season 3

    I'll give you that. However, Dustin isn't a standard Bubba Jethro, he's the king Bubba Jethro. He's not just a Christian Camp counselor, he's pretty much the owner (I think his family owns a lot of land). If you watch his audition video, he literally has hundreds of acres of land that he sets up...
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    Top Shot - Season 3

    Don't knock it till you try it. The idea of the shoe is that it allows flexibility of your whole foot, whereas a running shoes allows you to only bend at your ankle. Run around barefoot for a while and really concentrate on what your foot is doing. Then put on running shoes and you'll notice the...
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    Paypal anti-gun?

    Paypal, being part of E-bay will not allow their services to be used for firearms. Their excuse having something to do with their HQ being in California. What gunsamerica said is true, paypal will suspend your account if they discover you are using it to purchase a firearm. Some people still...
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    Top Shot - Season 3

    Don't get disillusioned into thinking that anyone on the show isn't an already accomplished shooter in some field. "Bubba Jethro" would not make it on the show. Everyone has to be already active in competitive shooting, even if they don't do it full time. Chris Reed: 2010 National Rifle...
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    ABERRICAN ME ROSS CAPICCHIONI - Surving after being shot

    A short inspirational documentary about a kid who was lured into an abandoned home by a childhood friend and shot for a gang initiation. Part 1 & 2
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    dream gun ideas

    Tiny hand phasers from star trek anybody? Tazer and matter vaporizer all in one. Can be used to heat up rocks for warmth in a survival situation.
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    Top Shot - Season 3

    It's the art of trash talking. Tell me you've never done it to your buddies playing the xbox. Atari for some of our more mature members.:evil:
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    Top Shot - Season 3

    You guys realize we're watching the History channel, not ESPN. This is a TV show, not a sports show. I actually enjoy people who talk trash, but can back it up. People who can make the shot get the privilege of tooting their own horn.
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    Comments on AR-15 Build

    Good advice so far. I'll remember to get a screw muzzle brake with the order. The local club is at a 100 yard range, so I doubt targets will be further than 75 yards at most. Will the free float barrel make enough of an effect at that range? Are the FSB not removable? For the mean time, I...
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    Comments on AR-15 Build

    Well 11% of $60 is a lot better than 11% of $600. I'll keep that in mind. The spikes upper does come with the BCG. The stock kit comes with the buffer,tube,nut and spring. What's a BCM? I'm now leaning on: Palmetto State Armory 16'' SS Mid-length Rifle Kit $500 Spikes tactical stripped...
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    Comments on AR-15 Build

    I just saw this on the PSA website. "Please be aware that if you purchase this kit in conjunction with a stripped lower, an 11% Federal Excise Tax will be assessed to the combined total of two." So I should probably buy my stripped lower from somewhere else to avoid the tax.
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    Comments on AR-15 Build

    I haven't seen that. Good deal right there.