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  1. G


    activism not sure what you mean by "activist"...but for sure the idea of a barter system outside the usual stream of regulated commerce seems a rather activist topic to me...particularly at a time when our Uncle Sam is determined to know not only how much money we have but what we do with...
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    anybody heard of or tried to use bitcoins? I just learned of these things and it is interesting to me. Is a form of currency, but not issued by any government. Makes governments a little crazy in fact and saw thing on TV where such as Charles Schumer (D-NY) looking for ways to regulate it...
  3. G

    left hand ar upper, brand?

    ran into a decent looking AR upper today, left handed...not real recent production, but no indication of manufacturer..other than Stag, who makes these things in left hand version?
  4. G

    Are high end 1911s worth the money?

    gun school? check and see if you have a gunsmithing school anywhere close. I live in Oklahoma...we have Murray State College with a really nice program..many of our grads end up in federal service or with arms companies... find a school and go to the armorer's class first..then to the custom...
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    High Power 40 Caliber, why no more?

    Anybody know why they stopped production of the 40 S&W caliber high power? was it due to frame/slide damage with stronger cartridge or just a sales issue? thanks...
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    Sub-compact 9mm

    beretta, etc thought the Sig 938 was gorgeous when saw it, but found out it has digestive issues...several reports indicate some serious flaws with failures to extract which is a troublesome jam for a defensive rated it as a 50% failure rate with extraction! The Beretta BU9 is...
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    9 vs 9 plus p?

    thanks thanks for the comments... as I am interested in pocket pistol (ie: Beretta BU9 and Sig P290 types) I think the +p is of little value and may be a liability in low light with flash... agree best options are 124 gold dot or a good 147 in regular 9mm.
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    9 vs 9 plus p?

    lots of encouragement to plus p ammo, but anyone know a link to actual testing and comparisons between the 2? what is diff. in penetration and expansion of 9 and 9+p in ballistic gelatin or through jugs of water?
  9. G

    Smith 19 locked up on me

    ejector rod sometimes ejector rod screws out enough to lock things up... remove rod (carefully) clean thoroughly and reassemble with a bit (not too much) of medium strength loctite and snug up..should fix it... later if need to for cleaing or whatever to remove loctite a soaking with...
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    38 to 357?

    considering modifying cyliner on old model 10 to accept 357. would not get steady diet of 357, but would be able to accept and might get some practice rounds with it now and then... I have heard two take son this.. 1. model 10 cylinders not same stuff as 13 and 19 and will not handle...
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    Why would i own a Handgun?

    liberals like all good liberals I use my handguns for duck hunting.
  12. G

    Why not Rohrbaugh?

    expensive uslessness I sold my rohrbaugh 9 a couple of years ago.. the thing was a costly jam-o-matic and slow to reload...quick to get fouled... kicked badly when fired...and was the pickiest thing on ammo I have ever owned. If a person wants an expensive piece of gun art the rohrbaugh...
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    walther PPK

    ppk I am a fan of the ppk.... with the gold dot round it is a good defensive pistol. check out brass fetcher ballistic gel tests and see how 380 gets 12 inch plus penetration and 45 caliber expansion. The weight of it is not an all bad factor, but carry is complicated by weight...
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    45LC vs 357mag

    45 "snubby" Taurus made the 450...a 2 inch mid-size (rougly L frame I'd guess).. 5 shot...and can be modified to accept 45acp moonclips also (check out at tenringprecision). I own one and it has been a pretty decent little revolver, but not really sure if in 45 colt I'd prefer it for...
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    S&W PPK(/S) in my future

    ppk vs ppk/s I prefer ppk to ppk/s the ppk/s can bite into palm with metal grip frame... (remedy is pachmayr grip)... a ppk may need some prep... throat barrel and polish ramp...this and that to refine it a bit.. and test it out at range, but overall think you will find it to be the classic...
  16. G

    1911 slide return question

    a 1911-a1 springfield...fitted match bushing, barrel "welded-up" at hood and bottom lug and fitted, slide and frarme "fitted" for snug fit...all good EXCEPT... that last 1/2 as slide returns to battery has a bit of a "catch" in it..a little "bump" in the slide as it closes that last 1/2 inch...
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    Canadian gun changes?

    Is story going aorund that more conservative government in Canada is abandoning some of the gun restrictions and Canadians may now enjoy firearms ownership. Anybody know the real deal on this?
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    S&W PPK(/S) in my future

    if choosing between ppk and ppk/s go with ppk,, the ppk/s is hard on hand... and gains you little over the shorter grip version with a finger rest magazine. I prefer the older Interarms models to the S&W..and recommend if you want it for defensive carry ship to Cylinder & Slide for the...
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    CZ75 P01 or Browning Hi-power

    own both...for what it's worth here's my comparison... the HP fits and points better in my hand...just puts sights on every time seems like...BUT, it's SA mode with no grip safety makes it a lawsuit about to happen in defensive or police use..under stress got to learn to keep finger up off...
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    Big-bore snubby?

    in regard to the taurus 450 45 colt..I like mine.. and recommend you check into the TK custom-type cylinder modification that will permit you to also use 45acp ammunition. if is a big bore snubby you are after this should fill the bill. I like the multi-caliber change in mine and keep 225...