This! Always two--what were the handles made out of, pearl or something like that? Those were the ones he pulled out on my grandpa and Mr. Beard.
This too! Grandpa said he went to the museum 20 years or so after the book, and some minute detail like a pack of cigarettes in just the right...
Yep, that's him. He's still around and lucid.
Whatever edition of the book I have a copy of, grandpa did the foreword or something. It's the part where he talks about almost getting killed by Williams two or three times in the course of one visit. Are there multiple editions of that book? This...
My understanding is that these designs are largely based on the N-frame from Smith and Wesson. Would it be that hard to work on them? If so, why is that?
See, this is a misunderstanding of what this sort of political writing is done for. The *point* is to give the reader some justification of the stuff they already feel and have no idea why.
Then, of course, when you argue with these readers in real life, they think you're a scary obsessive...
If they're too proud to shrink their proclamation of match champion-ness, I'd be satisfied if they just moved it to the bottom of the butt, or the inside of the grip-frame. :D
Dude, you've seen that movie? You're a pretty eclectic dude.
Figures that French people like Rugers. Say what you will about them, they do have good taste.
I completely agree with what another couple of people have said: TURN IT INTO A .50 CAL! If I had an ROA that wasn't quite right, I'd sell my girlfriend's cat to bankroll one of those.
I am THIS CLOSE to making that my new sig-line. No one better lament the disappearance of craftsmanship among American gunmakers while looking down the sights of a gun made by America's #1 future foreign-policy headache.
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