There's a scene in the movie where some sort of higher up is telling Kyle the family of a guy he shot (not depicted in the film) was holding a Koran, while Kyle explains it looked a lot like an AK to him. I don't recall a line about the Mustapha guy specifically being armed with an AK...
+1. I was taught either retention position or if you have to contact shoot with a semi-auto pistol to basically punch out with the gun and then fire as retracting from contact with the other guy. Have never had occasion to do either in real life, so can't speak to how well they work when push...
The Rifleman's Creed is fairly old school. I can give it cool points.
I am otherwise completely onboard with the observations above about the modern era, where anyone who can't think of a way to get an extra bump on their OER dreams up some new creed, eight bullet statement smart cart, etc...
+1. CMP could get into aftermarket sales for M14 and AR components if they wanted to (pretty saturated market as is, though), but as noted for all intents and purposes there are no civilian legal military-issued M14s our there, nor will there be without sweeping changes to federal firearms laws...
Area target. Line of police officers doing crowd control isn't too much different than a line of red coats or civil war soldiers. His story he was trying to kill other protestors (black lives matter except to the black guys who kill black people :rolleyes:), but if it were deliberate I'd be...
They're just accessing a database on sale decisions. More the clerks and admin types who do that to DOJ, FBI, whoever. We really could probably reduce overhead dramatically by consolidating federal law enforcement into 2-3 agencies instead of the sprawling mess we have now anyway.
I don't miss the A2 that was current when I enlisted much, but have had most of the parts for a Vietnam retro build floating around for a while that I haven't quite gotten around to yet.
Big market for deactivated guns over there, too. At one point in time, I was looking at doing a Krinkov build and it was hypothetically cheaper to order an entire deactivated AKSU from the UK for the furniture to build one than trying to find Russian handguards and a correct flash hider...
Plinking sure. If steel is involved in any stages of a course of fire, 855 may be expressly forbidden. When I was assigned to the cool kids in the .mil, we tried to get some M193 issued for training whenever possible, since 855 would tear up our various steel targets except at fairly long...
Exactly. 5.56mm (any loading until Nerf introduces rifle ammunition) will defeat soft body armor. M855 will not defeat hard plates (have shot expired SAPI plates with it at ~ 10 meters, no go).
The only thing it does "better" than other 5.56mm rounds (besides the abovementioned steel helmet...
Uh, guys, the NRA's website corroborates the body of the al-Jazeera America article the OP linked to (though obviously not the slant) --
Certainly the headline is histrionic and the writer is pro-gun...
Crazy good shooting with a pistol at a point target. The officers struck by the fire were part of an area target. Still good (or (un)lucky shooting) but nothing exceptional.
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