I have shot many rounds of Freedom Munitions handgun rounds. I've had one problem: one 9mm round had the bullet come off when I unloaded to make safe and dumped the powder into the frame. Otherwise, no problems. Their rounds shoot cleaner and better than some cheap factory brands I've tried...
Found this on GB: Steiner Optics T5Xi 5-25x56mm SCR 5122 34mm
That's $400 less than anywhere else I've seen. Too good to be true? Saw a few auctions go for even less.
I thought I was set on a Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x to pair with a Ruger Precision Rifle in 6.5 CM but I see chatter on the Steiner Optics T5Xi 5-25x which retails for a couple hundred less and has a FFP.
Anyone here have experience with them? Steiner military is GTG (for double the price) but...
The gen2 handguard is polymer, same as the PTR-91 GI. And it is full length.
I've used surplus steel mags on the gen 2 without issue. Supposedly PTR addressed the magwell issues with the gen1 rifle.
Plastics have been around for 150 years and the material science explaining their physical properties is well established and proven.
There's a reason Colt's grossly overpriced CQBP 1911 developed cracked frames after just 20k rounds of standard ball. You won't see with a properly engineered...
Tips for CA residents, ask for a warrant then slam the door in their face when they demur. Also never hand a gun to a cop. In fact, don't ever talk to a cop without a lawyer present.
Eugene Robinson isn't stupid, he is simply one of a pair of doctrinaire pro-government writers for WaPo. The other is E.J. Dionne. They reliably articulate the statist stance on every single issue so the Beltway crowd can nod their heads and bask in the glory of media approval.
I recall the participants at My Lai said the same thing about how "everyone you see is a VC". My Lai was undoubtedly a war crime, and if Chris Kyle actually carried out his claimed RoE, then he is also undoubtedly guilty of war crimes.
In any case I have no "inner-crusader" inside me, I have...
Those are his words. At face value, it is an open admission of a war crime. Insert the context of his story where he describes his war as a "crusade" against "sub-human savages" (again, his words), and the Pentagon's admission that soldiers were ordered to "bait" targets in Iraq, then yes, it...
OP: I like mine a lot. It handles well and the ergonomics are top-notch. I haven't shot groups but it's solidly minute-of-man at 300 yards with bulk 55gr ammo.
Compared to my other bullpup (FS2000), it has a bolt hold-open and the mag release is much quicker. The FS2000 is lighter though...
Check out this comment by the Kos author defending his inclusion of the "pulse rifle":
He's serious. :D
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