my reloading area includes a dedicated area for cleaning. But perhaps renting, apartment living or a large family in a small dwelling would affect that.
Cars: Before arthritis and moving from a 3 car garage I did my own 3 cars -- including repairs sans exhaust & struts & transmission. I...
Life comes at ya from all directions... why do so many restrict their ability to answer back to but one side? You have two hands, teach & practice both. Even if not for the church, for your self & family. Suppose your strong hand/arm is damaged, in a cast. Your off hand takes over.
But it has...
For all my time carrying and handling guns, when loading/unloading I point at where the wall meets the floor and or into a corner. "Look" behind the wall board and that is where there is a concentration of studs, beams and floor board that will stop even a 44 magnum.
No, but I can draw and engage with my weak hand my back-up.
And I also practice a little each session weak hand with the primary carry.
Life comes at you from all sides and you have 2 hands to engage with. It has happened that my back-up was the one that became the primary as that was the...
A bit different -- we had agreed on the price and I had the money folded over in my shirt pocket. I gave it to him and he stuffs it in his pocket... I said to him Trust but verify, he looked up at me and I said -- Suppose something falls out of your pocket, you may think I under paid you...
Sig Trailside is a light weight 22lr that is as good (perhaps better) than a MKll or lll. Downside is they were only made for 2 years so used is the only way to get one. Instructions say to only use standard velocity.
The upper is milled to make mounting rings easy.
spend the extra $100
the way I have 'talked' myself into spending the little bit more is --
you have budgeted $300.
shopping around has shown you that for $100 more you get A Lot Better
so, in my mind I am now spending $100 to get a quality what I really want
cause I had already spent...
good post
hope it becomes available for a 22 conversion. though the savings shooting
22 is no longer that great if you re-load (12 cents vs 8 cents for 22) it is
a good teaching round.
you dwell on the press-check ( never saw the purpose for doing that with
your own gun, but...), does...
locations ( Post Office, Federal buildings...) that I know about, I plan my trip accordingly.
than go home and 'get dressed' for the rest of the days adventures.
if I come across a posted sign ( and like many have said -- I do not go looking for them) I'd either do my business and than not...
32-20's are known for bulged bbls.... go figure I would collect a few and one had a slight bulge 1/2 way. the guy sold it to me offered a refund/discount
and said he had never noticed. so I shot it and... dead-nuts accurate.
YMMV yet it may be worth testing it before trashing it.
every thing in its place and a place for everything
and if I ever put every thing away, the time that took would be small compared
to the time it will cost me to find what use to be laying right at my finger tips.
---> a very organized clutter
Normandy, mine is the Stainless Classic Gold Match purchased 1998.
eats everything and groups 1.5 @ 25 yards -- as advertised
and like you I had trouble with mags when it was new.
coming up on 58k rounds. 90% of which are from Missouri Bullet
and loaded 4.5 Bullseye under 200gr LSWC...
local to me that would be in the case for ~$550
but 100 more may be ok if the condition is LNIB and
the original box, papers & accessories are included.
it may also be worth the extra cause it is not common
or you just gotta have it. I have (not often) paid that premium
another vote for the Shield.
I'm now not liking recoil cause of arthritis and the Shield's perceived recoil
is akin to a 22LR... minimal at best.
mine is a fun range toy ( after practice) with its short or extended magazine.
accuracy out to 25' is ~3" groups (2" if I disregard the 1...
What say you? What would you offer?
since he is Family I would say Thank You and than find a way,
a something he would like or to have done for him
-detail his car perhaps
-invite him & his wife along on a pre-paid family outing
he is doing something that pleases him...
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