I am willing to help with the experiment.
Step 1: Give me all the fire-arms on Earth.
Step 2: Put me up in a space station, and I"ll take all the guns with me that I reasonably can. The rest will be destroyed before I blast off.
Step 3: Enjoy life down there without any guns -...
Inexpensive plastic gun cases often have a hinge held together by a long steel pin. It can be drifted out very easily. I learned this once when I brought my pistol over to a friend's house, but forgot the key. We drifted out the hinge pin and pulled out the gun in just five or ten minutes.
In the picture below, there is a hole drilled through the receiver, in or near the chamber. Also, there is a screw in the receiver, near the stripper clip guide. A lot of Enfields seem to have those.
What gives?
Way of the Gun - DOES NOT SUPPORT RKBA. I love that movie, but the guns are mostly being used by criminals to fight other criminals.
Lord of War - DOES NOT SUPPORT RKBA. what 6_Gunner said. And watch the bonus features about the Tools of the Trade. Until I saw that, I didn't know that...
Christian fascists. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
That's right folks. There's a bunch of Christian fascists out there, and they want to take away all your rights! :rolleyes:
As I said above, the NRA endorses Dems and Repubs. Please explain how the NRA caused guns to become "a partisan issue." Did they somehow convince Democrat politicians to vote against gun rights?
No, the complaint is that NRA is a one-issue organization. Because of that, they endorse Democrats and Republicans, based on their record on guns. Whether the current administration has eroded any non-RKBA rights is a matter of heated debate. My guess is that most NRA members are not...
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