The cases in your picture appear to have blown out at the feed ramp. Some barrels don't provide enough support where the feed ramp enters the chamber. Brass exposed to ammonia (think cat piss) can lose the ductility needed to seal that gap. (The cat does not need to piss on the brass, only...
The receivers are identical, as are internal parts. The main difference is the barrel, with a 3-inch chamber on the 11-87 (except for some target models) and a spring serving as a gas valve encircling the barrel ring. Buttstocks are interchangeable, but forearms differ due to the slightly...
If it's not being thrown out, it's possible the extractor beak has broken off. I had this happen on my G3 (fancy 11-87) and the shells would extract but not always eject. It also could be the ejector stud on the barrel extension is damaged, but I've never seen that.
It's a great gauge for beginners because of the lack of recoil. You'll probably have to shorten the stock. I started my kids at that age on a Remington 1100 in 28 gauge. The stock had a 13" LOP with a recoil pad. They both still use it when they come home, 20 years later. I don't know...
I have a 16-gauge Sportsman 48, basically the same gun with the magazine tube crimped to limit the number of shells it can hold (2). I've not replaced any parts in the 15 years I've owned it. Well, except for swapping barrels with a guy who wanted an IC choked barrel; I wanted a full choked...
Jack O'Connor reported that one PH in Africa would track wounded lions with a Browning A5 loaded with the equivalent of our 000 buckshot. When a lion charged, the PH would sit down and pull the trigger as fast as he could. As far as Jack heard, it always worked.
I picked up an Ithaca/SKB 100 20 gauge a few months ago. It's become my favorite for low-gun skeet with 3/4 oz of No. 9 shot. I paid $850 and feel it was worth every penny. Looking forward to using it on game this fall. This was made by SKB in Japan, not a Turkish factory.
I don't live in Illinois, but what are the chances of this bill becoming law? As far as the alleged SA and RRA behavior, it seems to me that they're playing the game of tossing other entities to the wolves, hoping the wolves will eat them last.
I bought a Loadmaster when they first came out and quickly gave up on the priming system. I prefer to hand prime anyway as it gives me a chance to inspect the deprimed and cleaned case. How is the new system different from the original?
My 10/22 Target came with screw holes for mounting the scope rail. If yours did, I'd be surprised if the Williams FP sight base isn't already configured to take advantage of that fact.
Of course the greatest duty revolver was the Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum carried by Dirty Harry Callahan, the most powerful handgun on earth that would blow your head clean off. Punk.
I've not had any problems with the small-frame 1100s. I bought a shortened Skeet-T in 28 gauge when my son was 10 and he has shot it since then with no problems that cleaning couldn't fix. He's 35 now. The gun probably has had at least 25,000 shells through it. A twin in .410 also hasn't...
You may enjoy it at the range, but I doubt for long. I've shot these truncated weapons and they aren't a lot of fun after the first few shots. I guess it will depend on your pain tolerance.
Someone here posted about a dog bite that drew blood. Most states require that dog bites be reported to animal control or the local health department. I've been bitten (no blood) and reported it. The authorities will investigate as to whether the animal has an up-to-date rabies vaccine and...
Labs are puppies until at least age 3. They are also fixated on food, hence the snatching of your lunch. The second encounter was play. I wouldn't have shot it. I might have taken a shot at the owner.
That's always been my biggest gripe about pumps. I like to hold shotguns at the balance point with my left hand, but that's usually nowhere near the forearm on a pump.
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