I bought a Les Baer TRS last Spring and so did a friend. We have not had had any of the problems mentioned in that comparison report. Our TRS are reliable, accurate and fun to shoot.
The slides on our two TRS are tight but smooth. The barrel bushing fits very well. No slop on anything...
Glock. Nice range of Glocks to pick from. They are highly reliable and less expensive. Maybe they would like the G37?
SIG would be fine but my second choice.
If this pistol is for SD I suggest getting a G32 and buying a KKM barrel in .40S&W.
Try all three Glocks and see which you can handle best.
However, I like the G19. I have G19s, G23s and G32s.
I suggest getting the G20. You get more bang (power) for your buck over the short barreled G29. I have both pistols. The G29 is fun but if you really want 10mm power you should have a longer barrel.
I wish Glock would come out with a Practical/Tactical G21/G20. The G34 and G35 have nice...
I haven't checked Glockmeister's prices recently for KKM barrels but I think I paid about $160 for my KKM barrel. That's not a lot of money if you want to find out for yourself if it will shoot 2" groups at 25 yards.
I use a KKM stainless steel .357SIG barrel in my Glock 35 (.40S&W). It works great. It's accurate. It cleans out very easily. I justed dropped it in and it has worked fine from the start. Looks good too.
You can get a KKM barrel in .40S&W. AFAIK, the rifling is conventional and can be...
Hi Rival,
Do you want this perfect 1911 for carry?
I have a Valtro and Les Baer TRS. They both shoot very well. Fixed sights are more rugged. The TRS isn't offered with the 1.5" option.
I'm sure you would enjoy a Les Baer SRP with the 1.5" option or if you want adjustable sights...
Les Baer 1911 PPC Distinguished Match 9mm with the 1.5" option (comes with a test target 10 rounds at 50 yards in 1.5 inches or less, center to center)
SIG P210 (pick a flavor)
S&W Performance Center 952-1 or 952-2
If you want a P226 I suggest you get the P226ST or the Sport model...
I have both the G17, G19 . I've not put them in a machine rest to test their accuracy. I shoot both of them pretty well. I find the grip on the G17 a little more comfortable. The longer sight radius of the G17 is also nice.
You should really try both the G17 and G19 to see which fits...
Glocks run better on less lube. They are not like SIGs and 1911s.
A little lube on the outside of the barrel.
A little lube on the underside of the slide near the barrel chamber.
A little lube where the frame rails ride.
A little lube on the "trigger" parts.
Don't lube the firing...
My S&W M63 .22lr.
What makes a handgun fun to shoot? One that is accurate and fun to shoot. The G33 is accurate, comfortable but a challenge because of its small size and recoil. Same for the S&W 629 5" with standard .44Mag rounds.
Browning Challenger
Ruger Mk II 5"...
One interesting thing about the M4... the stock is very easy to change out without tools. You just push a captive pin "out of" the receiver, pull out the trigger/carrier group (very easy), then unscrew the stock from the receiver like unscrewing a top from a bottle.
I changed to a standard...
The Les Baer TRS I bought new around the first of this year is tighter than my new Les Baer Ultimate Master with the 1.5" option that came in at the end of June ('04).
I like the idea fo a 10mm semi auto, however, a mountain lion often attacks from behind and grabs your head or neck with its teeth. This means I would be flopping on the ground with the cat. I worry about a semi-auto getting pushed out of battery or jamming after the first shot because it...
The PII gives the most bang for the buck.
My Les Baer 5" Ultimate Master has the 1.5" option and has been completely reliable. It shoots very well.
Tamara, are you just guessing about the 1.5" optioned Les Baers being "bulky"? How many new LBs with the 1.5" option have you owned...
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