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    22 rimfire, subsonic only

    No particular order Dead Air Mask Ruged Oculus ThunderBeast HuxWrk Flow 22TI
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    Ruger American ranch 300 BLK with B&T SRBS suppressor

    That is a great set up and very quiet. A great deer hunting rig out to 100 to 150 yards.
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    Dalstrong 8" Chefs Knife

    I have purchased at least 15 Dalstrong knives over the last few years. Never had a problem with any of them, they seem to be decent mid price high end knives.
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    What did you shoot today?

    FN 502, I put 250rds through it and the last 50 with a Dead Air Mask.
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    Sig M17 optics plate

    I have a commercial Sig M17 and I want to put a Holsun optic on it who make the best adapter plate?
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    Anyone Purchase Texas Made P7 or P7 Parts from

    I would consider buying an optics cut slide and a threaded barrel if they start selling parts.
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    Is the Smith & Wesson MP15 in .22 caliber - any opinions?

    Mine has been very reliable just as reliable as my 10/22’s. While I bought it as a fun gun for my sons, in a pinch it could be used for hunting or even self defense.
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    Ruger American Ranch gen the 1 or gen 2?

    I went with the 300 Blackout gen 2, it was only $25 more and well worth it. Now if it was over a hundred more then I would have gone with a gen 1 and upgraded the stock.
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    Should a American Citizen, With No Legal Disqualifications, Be Able to Board a Bus,Train, Subway or Plane with a Firearm?

    I would say definitely yes to train, subway, bus and boat. However I do get planes are different so I am open to further discussions on that.
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    Fully suppressed range day coming to Phoenix, sponsored by gunbroker

    The VIP tickets were $750.00 and worth the price, they sold out in about 2 minutes. I did the VIP tickets last year and the amount of free stuff they gave you was close to $2,000.
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    Waiting Time for Suppressor Approval?

    Purchased Dea Air Mask in September and received approval today. So five months.
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    Beretta Minx 22short

    I have one and love it, I would buy a second for anything under $300.
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    Waiting Time for Suppressor Approval?

    Just got a EForm approval from May 10th, 7 months and one week.
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    What's the oldest (by date of manufacture) ammo you've fired or own?

    1930’s 30-06 that my Dad picked up in the 1950’s.
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    Which .45 for Bedside "Duty?"

    FNX 45 15rd mag and a Rugged suppressor.
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    Bass Pro and Ruger American

    Multiple 223 and 5.56 rounds were tried by both my buddy and Bass Pro and the chamber is to tight, he said he could see brass scrapes inside the chamber when he shined a light in the bore. Yes the barrel says 5.56 on it. I can't speak as to why Ruger missed this one but it will happen no...
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    Bass Pro and Ruger American

    Quick question: My buddy just purchased an Ruger American in 5.56 from Bass Pro today. Took it home to shoot it and it would not chamber either 223 or 5.56 the case would go in 80% and get stuck and when he removed the round you could see where the brass had deep scrapes from the chamber...
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    Fast turn around time for suppressor approval

    Individual, and received approval for a Maxim 22 can, OSS RAD 9, Rugged 45, and a Primary Weapons System 5.56.