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  1. L

    .223 problem.

    I'm trying to work up a load to use to put away some ammo for just in case. I wanted it to be close to mil surplus. Published velocities aren't far from what various manuals list, and I wasn't going to be real particular, just consistent across a lot of rounds. I wanted 2800 - 3000 fps with...
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    Where do you get your Kroil?

    NAPA and most other auto parts stores around here have it. Pretty sure it's in Midways catalog to.
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    travelling in mo 571.030. 1. A person commits the crime of unlawful use of weapons if he or she knowingly: (1) Carries concealed upon or about his or her person a knife, a firearm, a blackjack or any other weapon readily capable of lethal use; or...
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    Enfield 303 No.4 Mk1 Question

    That is about the usual asking price for one of those around here. If it is a good shooter, you would have a hard time finding anything better cheaper. IF If it goes bang the bottom price seems to be $100. Depending on the stock it would almost part out for that price if the barrell hasn't...
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    Arizona Gun Store Raided 9 mos. Ago Trial Over

    When I bought a pistol a couple weeks ago, the dealer "coached" me on how to fill out the form; no abbrevations here, ok there etc. I guess we can both be expecting arrest any time now? The rest is pretty straightforward guilt by association. Definately worth a hangin. If the people named on...
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    Specific Questions about Appleseed

    Not well. A couple hundred rounds, mostly from prone, makes my shoulder hurt just to think about it. Check the link in Balddragn's sig for locations. Your .22 is an excellent place to start.
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    Youth Deer Rifle

    I went through this with my grandson this deer season. I went with a Savage in .243 and was pleased with the rifle. I waited too long to get one as I kept looking for a good used one. All the dealers around here told the same story: some years the shelve will be full of good used and the next...
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    NYT Article: Get Ready For The Swarm! Duplicate Threads Merged

    We're already here. Keep your powder dry boys and girls. As for outposts, there are bases in almost (every?) state and Natl. Guard Armories even closer to everybody, at least around here. Staging areas aren't a problem. Command and control is the problem. If I lived closer to a high value...
  9. L

    I need help to decide... Mauser or Enfield...NOT the same old debate!

    Another vote for the Mauser. If the scope is decent and not a BSA or some such that would be a very good deal around here. Even if you have to upgrade the scope it's fair. Price a new low end synthetic stock whatever for a comparable value. Compare it to a new rifle with the same quality wood...
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    Looking for loads in all the wrong places.

    Does anyone have a source for mil issue duplicate loads for most calibers? Supposedly Handloader magazine put together such a list several years ago, but I can't find it. Sometimes my google-fu is weak, but trying to find it all in one place hasn't been easy. Published velocities for most...
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    Golani Arms Sporter Range Report

    range report My impressions: The design tries to correct the major flaws in the basic AK and does a pretty good job. For me, the greatest improvement is in the sights. The two position flip is “inspired” by the Enfield No. 4. If you’re going to copy something, go for a classic. Sight picture...
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    180 SST vs 180 GMK for deer and hog

    I have very good luck with 180 gr Gamekings out of my Rem 700 .30-06. 180 is plenty heavy for whitetails, but like yours, my rifle likes them better.
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    need some help deciding where to put my stand

    Are you limited to one stand? If possible I've found it best to have one stand for morning and another for evening. Looking into the sun gets old quick. Having more than one stand available also lets you hunt the wind better, which as others' have pointed out can be important. Deer generally...
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    Gun Room Photo Surveillance

    I was thinking about asking the same question myself. The only addition I wanted was to have the cameras start from motion detectors. As for saying don't waste your time, just harden your house, there is a limit to what you can do. I live out in the country and have a polebarn shop full of...
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    Hunting/Deer Rifle Accuracy

    No.:neener: You've reduced one variable about to the max possible. NCsmitty's point would be my next test. Try your load from a cold barrel to make sure it is repeatable. If possible, try under a variety of conditions ie, cold, hot, wet or anything else that might affect your shot wherever...
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    Missouri- Where are you?

    I think somebody just volunteered to organize a shoot! :neener:
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    1907 or 1917 sling? This is the site I use for reference on all types of slings. I've never heard anything but good about Turner slings for what that is worth.
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    Wood gun rack type thing not really though I think you will find plans like you are wanting here. Maybe parts or completed racks also.
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    Safe Bolting questions

    I'd recommend a template to transfer the measurements from the floor to the safe. It's almost impossible to drill into concrete without the bit wandering a little. If you can drill through the holes in the safe, no problems.