That's really not that bad of accuracy from a Mini 14...I would have gladly accepted 2"-2 7/8" 100yd groups from my Ranch rifle(1990's vintage)....It's just that the Ranch rifle couldn't do better than maybe 4" to 5" at 100yds(or worse!)...It was pretty bad. I traded it on an AR 15 A2 rifle and...
Yeh..I don't know if the average shooter has a 20-ton press available to swap-out the sight base...I took mine to work to do it(although I now have my own shop and 20-ton press)
Also it's a job with a certain amount of 'pucker-factor' pumping the press handle and applying hundreds of pounds...
I imagine an expert rifleman of the day could pull it off with his then modern rifle and cartridge..equipped with a tang sight and lots of practice.
I say 'expert rifleman'...'cause I imagine the task of popping a deer at 500 yards with a .30WCF(.30-30) would be beyond the realm of...
I somehow ended-up with an SKS that somebody had sawed the ears off the rear sight-base to clear a top-cover mounted scope.
I bought a complete rear sight assembly from Numerich/GunParts...
It's a press job to change the entire rear sight base and all...have to punch the pins out of the...
I do think that if you pack a gun around you need extra ammo too....remember the old Magnum PI 2 hour episode where Magnum gets in a fire-fight with the bad guys and as usual he just had his .45 stuffed in his pants with no extra mag..and he runs out of ammo and gets shot-up..ends up in the...
I imagine the Remington 700 tactical rifle likely has a minimum spec chamber. I've got a pal with the same/similar Rem 700 .223 heavy barrel rifle..and it's a sweet shooter.
He and another friend reload lots of .223/5.56mm ammo...and all I hear them gripe about are the primer-pockets on the...
Stainless steel and plastic are your friends where it comes to concealed carry and the enevitable finish wear.
Blued/oxided regular old steel guns and wood grips will be subject to substantial finish-wear/corrosion...and wood grips will literaly wear away.
Stainless and plastic wear...
Check the chamber length on the old Crescents...some of these had short chambers...will take a modern 2 3/4" shell...but not enough room for the shell to unfold. May require 2.5" ammo.
The Crescent made guns are budget made firearms for the most part...probably cost just a few dollars when...
My Glocks have no grooves...I own both a G17 and a finger grooves...just buy older gen. guns from the gen 1/gen 2 series when Glock grips lacked grooves for fingers.
The issue with cracks is with the frame...there is a really thin place where the trigger-bar passes through the frame on the right side. This is where the Tomcats can crack.
Beretta has beefed up the slide on the blue guns..the stainless guns always had a thick slide...something about slide...
It's possible that it's a factory nickel gun...but it's probably not a revolver accepted by the military.
Quite a few Model 1917 revolvers and 1917 parts were in the pipeline by the time WWI ended...and the goverment canceled the contracts and accepted no more revolvers.
Colt finished up...
The M1A/M14 will knock a scope out for some reason or other...I had to return a near new Redfield 6x40 because it lasted about 80 rounds on top an M1A..
The scope mount needs to attach to the clip guide or it's dovetail..and the mounting screw on the side of receiver..the single screw side...
Yeh..that's a Green Mountain barrel
The rifle itself could be anything from a CVA to a Thompson Center..need pic of rifle and lock to have a better chance of identifacation
Black powder..or 'gunpowder' as they called it in the old days was made in buildings constructed of heavy timbers with the exterior boards nailed on 'loosely'...also had big tubs of water set over the powder grinding mill so an explosion would dump the water onto the powder..and knock the boards...
Italian BP revolvers can be some of the crudest..most hand fitted..non-standard..most produced by the most factories handguns in history...Or they can be damn good, well made guns too..just depends on how old..who made it for what what price/quality level..
Nothing was really...
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