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  • Users: Durty
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  1. D

    Let's talk nostalgic hunting rifles.

    Mauser 98
  2. D

    Who's actually had issues with blued finishes when hunting?

    Zero issues here. Some of the blued guns in our family are older than I am and they are still in great shape. I few years ago I was given a Shilen chromoly barrel from which I had a 300 mag built. That gun flat SHOOTS and I can't help but think that barrel has something to do with it… But, all...
  3. D

    Wow. Love 243!

    My Oma bought a model 700 chambered in .243 for my Opa back in the late 60s if my memory serves me. It wore an old school Bushnell Banner. That was the only deer rifle in our family for 30 years and it felled many a Hill Country whitetail. I estimate somewhere around a hundred between Opa, my 2...
  4. D

    Home Defense Tactics Help

    Wow 9mm. You sure learned me a lesson. Great job.
  5. D

    Vero Vellini Double Sling Opinions Reviews

    Anyone taken the Vero Vellini double rifle sling on any adventures? How did it perform? What is the weight of the rifle it was used with? I'll either be taking my 14 pound 300 mag or my 10 pound 7mm-08 on a drop camp elk hunt and I'd like some extra support.
  6. D

    Home Defense Tactics Help

    Afternoon, gents. I was just wondering if any of you know of a website that offers decent home defense tactics. Most of the stuff I have found is happy to share knowledge at a cost. I am hoping to find some basic info for free. This is just for personal use for my wife and I. She has a revolver...
  7. D

    Model 70 experts/enthusiasts

    Hell, man, if you want a model 70, hold out for it. I know you said it doesn't matter to you whether it's pre-64 or not but that's actually a big difference. If you really don't care, you'd be better off getting a brand new one than one made in the late 60s. It sounds to me that you (like most...
  8. D

    PENTAX Ultimate Zoom 3-15x50 Rifle Scope

    X2. BUY A LEUPOLD. Don't screw around with equipment that seems too good to be true. And why are you interested in a scope with a battery or a motor?? lol. That's just askin for trouble.
  9. D

    Speaking of Husqvarna's, check this baby out....

    Dude- that thing is awesome. I'd like to shoot anything with that. -whale.. hog.. snow goose..
  10. D

    7.62 vs 5.56 ar, please help me!!

    If you get that armalite model in 7.62, you'll want to replace the butt stock for sure. That one would not be fun to shoot for long...
  11. D

    Marlin Glenfield Model 60 question

    My Glenfield is the best shooting .22 I have owned and it's by far the oldest.
  12. D

    Guns & Ammo - .300 Whisper?

  13. D

    .300 Win Ultra Mag question

    I agree with Shaggy. Let's slow this whole thing waaaay dowwwwn. I do understand all about having a new toy to obsess over however, this equipment is made to kill and it does just that very well. First, if you intend on shooting that rifle at targets that are a long way off--400 yards or...
  14. D

    Which rifle?

    I vote SPS but you will need a new trigger. X Mark Pro is terrible. If you don't want to screw with it, just get the savage. I personally like screwing with all my stuff and customizing everything. Therefore, I prefer Remington.
  15. D

    Would like some advice for the 308 in bolt action

    I think Savage makes a custom long range rifle for about that price and I would bet you a beer they shoot. Personally, I prefer an older Rem 700. I switch barrels, bed the stock, adjust or replace the trigger and shoot the hell out of it. Another idea- look for a Remington Sendero or Winchester...
  16. D

    .300 Win Ultra Mag question

    Are you planning on taking out an elk at 500 yards with that rum? When you return the gun, get a different caliber too. Stupid ultra mags... these manufacturers now get under my skin. They make senseless rifle/caliber setups so senseless salesmen can sell inexperienced hunters something they...
  17. D

    Bushmaster vs. Colt AR

    At the range Saturday we were shooting my buddies colt ar which never misfired. The guy next to us had a bushmaster that misfired several times. I examined his ammo but it wasn't crap like I figured it would be. Anyway, I am not a big ar fan but it was obvious to me which was better. By the way...
  18. D

    Millett Scopes?

    Oh and I am pretty sure they are Chinese made, which sucks, but hell, half the crap in my house and all the clothes I wear are also made over there. Whatever.
  19. D

    Millett Scopes?

    I have had a millet 3-9x40 on a ruger 30-06 for 4 years and it has given me no trouble. I took it down to MS 2 years ago and killed a nice 190 pound buck with it. Even after 2 plane flights each way it has never needed any adjustments. I do not call myself a millet fan. I am a Leupold fan who...
  20. D

    Remington 700

    Yes that reminds me- HS Precision makes the stocks that Remington puts on the Sendero. It's a nice stock with a beavertail forearm and a comfy palm swell.