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  1. A

    10mm reloading issues

    I cast and coat a Lee 40 s&w 180grTC bullet out of WW lead. It is powder coated and sized and have been running it in my Wifes 40s&w carbine for near 10 years or so. She has probably ran 10k through it. I run this same bullet through my g27 and g22 Glocks with lone wolf barrels in 40s&w. I am...
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    Do you recycle your spent primers and bad brass cases?

    200lbs of it came along for the ride with this massive amount of reloaded ammo I got years back in the thread below. He kept all his spent primers and damaged cases. He also swept and saved 22 brass after cowboy and gallery matches so that's in the mix...
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    Do you recycle your spent primers and bad brass cases?

    I guess mainly concerning the spent primers. There was talk they wouldn't accept those as brass.
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    Do you recycle your spent primers and bad brass cases?

    I have over 300lbs of spent primers and discarded (bad cases) I want to get it out of the reloading room. The concensus at my local gun club is the recycling centers won't pay a fair price for it and I should just (put it in the landfill.) The primers have been run over with a massive rare...
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    Did the Quinetics Corp go out of Business?

    Was looking to get a new Quinetics Corp bullet puller but it looks like they are no longer around? Anyone have any info? Tia. D
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    What headstamp brass do you toss in 9MM?

    Anything berdan primed. The goofy cases that have the ring of brass set in them. Anything else is fair game. My Xl650 doesn't care.
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    Problems in 357 lever running Lee TL358-158SWC bullet at stated OAL.

    I'm loading to that last groove. I thought I stated that in the first post? I am hanging up loading it even there. It will only load the full tube if I go past that last lube groove.
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    Problems in 357 lever running Lee TL358-158SWC bullet at stated OAL.

    Yes I am resizing after powdercoat. The leading is a absolute non issue. I can run these all day at max pressure and never see any leading. Question was mainly how far down into the case can this bullet be set to load to max in the tube
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    Wanna Try Wet Brass Cleaning Method

    I used to not deprime and never had a issue. But I always baked my brass at 200deg f after wet tumbling in a tumbler with dawn, lemishine and pins to dry. I have since started depriming before wet tumbling. Just makes everything a little bit cleaner. I use 2 dual drum harbor freight...
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    Problems in 357 lever running Lee TL358-158SWC bullet at stated OAL.

    I have a few 357 mag lever guns that do not like the Lee TL358-158swc bullet at the stated OAL in my manuals They function just fine through the action but I have a issue loading to maximum capacity in the tube. Seems like they are getting hung up in the tube on the last lube ring bearing...
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    attempting to reload berdan primers

    It can be done. I've done the hydraulic primer removal in m67 7.62x39 brass cases. And then used 5 Super bang brand ring cap disc's soaked in acetone to reload them after punching the dent out. I've done the same with prime all with acetone as well. Just have to let them dry out over night...
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    Lee Value 4 Hole Turret Press

    I leave my Dillon xl650 set up for 9mm and reload everything else on my classic cast turret. Everything from 32acp on up to 45 for pistol and 223 for rifle. It's a solid unit. You'll love it. If you have cases prepped and primed beforehand you'll absolutely fly through cartridges. I decap on...
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    Primers on the Auction Site

    Who knows. Doubt it could be the buyer. He didnt ship it. But we all know what is going on here. If someone is charging only $14 for the shipment of 1000k or primers... just know they are pocketing some of that fee .....and shipping them ground or priority mail.
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    all us brass chickens

    I prefer Brass Goblin thank you very much.. .
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    Primers on the Auction Site

    Most of these guys are chucking them in a box and sending it without Hazmat. I've seen priority mail shipping... usps ground shipping... you name it. The majority of the folks selling them on GB are turning a blind eye to the hazmat requirement.
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    Primers are still out for somewhat reasonable prices..

    3 times is my limit. I run my depriming tube into a marked tin and after the 3rd time they get pitched. Then I drag another 100 out of my spent large primer can and toss them into the ultrasonic with dish soap and a pinch of lemishine. Then start the process over again. I have a few hours...
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    Primers are still out for somewhat reasonable prices..

    If you do it in stages and like being in the reloading room it's a non issue. I did 100 large pistol primers last night but with ring cap primers and it wasn't a big deal. I'm sure it isnt a wise idea to have enough priming compound in a machine that is capable of doing g 1k primers a hour...
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    Primers are still out for somewhat reasonable prices..

    22lr reloader sells a priming compound in components folks are mixing and using to reload centerfire primers. They are at least 8 weeks behind on orders for it and their cap maker for bp guns. Lots of guys on youtube are reloading with it with great success other than it being corrosive. No...
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    Primers are still out for somewhat reasonable prices..

    How'd this get so off topic? Lol!
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    Primers are still out for somewhat reasonable prices..

    Really should be Renamed ... Primers, powders and components are still out there for reasonable prices ... Last week I was surfing the net after working a 12 hour shift. I did a simple search on GunsAmerica auction site for small pistol primers while my car was warming up... The first...