It's true. From
I read that as the parking lot as well. For a non-dedicated post office (like one in a strip mall, you're probably on firmer ground as it's clearly not just postal property).
Looking at the catalog, these receivers sure look the same. I called Savages Arms just now and I can order the rear ghost ring, but the person on the phone wasn't sure if it would fit a Savage 11. She's going to have someone call me back. I talked to service/parts. Is there a different number to...
Hopefully someone here can straighten me out.
The specific question:
I've got a Savage 11GL . It's the "hunter series" left-hand version. It came with iron sights and also drilled and tapped for a scope. It's got a front bead sight in a dovetail and an rear open sight that's mounted on the...
Along with the OP, I've been a shotgun and pistol guy only so far and started thinking about rifles.
About the "buy a home defense rifle and use it for hunting, not the other way around" post. What's a "home defense" rifile?
Thanks for all the responses.
I've thought about this more and I think I'm more worried than I need to be. Our current place is small enough, that combined with the dog I'll know if someone was actually in the house. The dog runs to the source of whatever noise (cat pushes something off...
What I'm really concerned about is sitting in silence trying to determine if there's someone in my house before calling the police. Maybe I'm over thinking it and it'll be obvious. More likely, it'll never happen at all.
In classes and on various forums, everyone says: "don't go clearing your home, that's for the police." I'm completely on board with this plan, my home layout is such that I believe we've got a good defensible spot while the others calls 911. I'm happy to let the bad guy do his thing and leave...
Seriously? I can't imagine putting my hand that close to the muzzle to check if it was loaded (or for any reason). Always move the slide from the rear. Now that I think about it, how does a "press check" work using the front? To me a press check is moving the slide back slightly (using rear...
I'm looking for something that's basically a large ottoman that can store long guns. The top lifts up or something. Ideally this locks. I know it's not a safe or a "Residential Security Cabinet", it would be a locking ottoman. I've tried searching for various terms and gotten no where. Any pointers?
Don't get me wrong, I like my USP.
I like my USP trigger (well, not the DA trigger, but I just need practice). It's just that I REALLY liked the 1911 trigger. I was shocked, I really didn't expect to find a better trigger and I wouldn't consider myself a trigger afficionado. But, shooting it...
I wasn't saying "HK triggers are bad". I was saying that it's fine for me, but what do I know? The DA pull is pretty hard for me, both in increased trigger weight (gotta cock the hammer somehow!) and in this "grittiness". They guy who tried to give me a quick lesson in triggers seemed to...
I usually shoot an HK USP. In SA mode, I'm a reasonably good shot. In DA, not so much. I just don't practice this enough. Someone at the range was commenting how horrilble the USP trigger is and when I asked him for specifics he shot my gun and commented that the SA mode was "better than...
This may be a stupid question but...what are the "popular features"
People have mentioned the Tarus PT1911 is packed with features for the price. It sure seems like it. But do I really want all those features? What are the most common options to these guns? Here's what I can think of and my...
That's what I'm looking for. Also, is it critical I get an ambi safety out of the box? With the USP, I added the ambi control lever myself and it wasn't hard (but it didn't need any cutting either.
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