Yeah, looks like he's really trained as he states. Roles window down. Gets in argument. Displays gun. Finger on trigger. Just focusing on the guy on the side of his vehicle and not aware of what it sounds as he claims other bikers around him. Gun bouncing up and down. Good lord.
If a pack of...
My New Years Training Resolution:
-Take 1-2 medical classes.
I started attacking this resolution last month when a took my first class based around TCCC. I also took a CPR and First Aid class. I plan on taking another 1-2 more this year.
-Take 1-2 edged weapons classes.
It's been a...
The only thing currently changing for me is I have scheduled myself to get some medical training for the first time in a few weeks. I plan on taking a few class and to start carrying a small IFAK on me daily in addition to my normal edc gear.
Training and practice wise with my EDC gear has not...
I don't know if you're still tracking your thread here but I own both the Aegis and Ranger.
I personally prefer the Aegis over the Ranger. It's much easier to take off and on (versus the ranger), still nice and rigid belt (but not overly so), and can go without getting a second look with a...
Books and DVD's are excellent SUPPLIMENTAL material to professional training. They should in no way be a SUBSTITUTE for professional training. With that said, sometimes circumstances in life alter or hinder our ability to attend as much training classes as we would like. Depending on what you...
I've trained with many who have been there done that and many who have not. Experienced fighters can be just as good or bad of an instructor as a non experienced fighter.
I've even had two different instructors (experienced fighters) who early in their careers believed they couldn't learn...
Nice article. I was hoping to see some discussion on moving. Does his students just stand and deliver like a square range?
"Some effort expended on the contact distance problem, including empty hand skills and weapon retention skills. However, these are secondary skills for the private...
"This is an aspect of situational awareness which presents significant challenges, given the reflexive tendency toward 'tunnel vision' in an emergency. Trainers on the firing line today are always harping at students to 'cover down' ... but how deeply is that lesson implanted? Can it overcome...
What if you are in fear for you and/or your loved ones life?
Was it illegal for him the OP to be consciously aware he has a firearm and keep it out of sight? He did absolutely nothing wrong. He was merely prepared if thing did in fact go to the next level.
I think if there was an opportunity to further de escalate the situation then that is obviously the best choice of action. By the sounds of it you feel you did as much as possible. Your line in the sand was clearly crossed when he started trying to gain entry into your vehicle. I'm right...
I believe you don't necessarily need to create distance in order to bring your tool of choice into the fight. Can strikes create an opportunity? Absolutely. So can the SN's material Fred mentioned. So can proper movement. As always it depends on the context of the fight. I think it's...
All I can say is the Michigan portion of that list needs some updating. Some of those schools aren't even open any longer I believe. In addition, there are quite a few excellent schools not on the list. Do you guys take recommendations on updating lists for specific states?
If I'm within arms reach of the assailant I'm fighting from retention. Can it expand beyond that range? Of course, slightly. It depends on the dynamics of the fight. Are there other threats nearby if I am shooting from the #3 position my gun could be grabbed by them from the side ot behind...
I'm with you here for the most part. I train to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
While a criminal may not be intimidated by looking at your gun as you stated, that does not mean their desire to not be shot is any different than ours. At any rate, if someone has a gun for...
I own a couple gen 3's and one gen 4. If I were to buy another gun it would be the gen 4. I personally like the grip on the 4 much better than the 3's and it has been every bit as reliable.
In the end both gen's are excellent in my experiences. You can't go wrong with either of them.
I would only clear the house if I absolutely had to such as if somehow the intruder was between my family and I OR if I was confident there is no threat in the house. Outside of that my family goes into a safe room and I move into a stronghold position and wait. We all have our own preplanned...
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