Usually AFAIK your not going to see teams with expensive gear unless your dealing with professional robbers who tend to hit high value targets or higher level drug dealers. The drug dealers are usually fighting with the competition.
So, assuming your law abiding and not real wealthy, your not...
I've been thinking about your post a LOT. If you had them shoot at 6 or 12 feet would there be any difference for hits with the handgun vs long gun?
I think part of what is going on is most of the people here are looking at the problem as gun people. That means you look at the whole issue...
Sounds like you are well prepared.
I may someday get a research grant to do what your suggesting, I think it is a great idea. Did you know they already do that for Police Officers killed? See UCR [Unified Crime Report]
But what I am actually doing, since I have...
Good job! Your on the path. I wish more people would do what you have done. I'll also note the more your learn the more you realize you don't know.
You might want to look up SouthNarc's stuff on ECQB [Extreme Close Quarters Battle] he has some VERY good DVD's.
Also Ralph Mroz's "Defensive...
I'm puzzled by everyone that says there is no way to find an answer, or even part of an answer. Or at least figure out a better question. I know at least in my state when LEO get involved in aftermath of a gunfight there is a lot of investigation into what happened.
There is a lot of data for...
Well a 20 gauge slug about equals a 454 handgun, but is lots easier to shoot specially if your using a 1100/11-87. Factory Sabot loads for the 20 gauge often use bullets designed for the 454 because of this.
I would use hard Brenneke either 3/4 or 7/8 oz, though there are some brands of slugs...
I feel like several people are misunderstanding what I am trying to figure out here. So perhaps I'm not being clear. So I will quote one of the people that got me thinking about this.
Read Jeff Cooper's "The Role Of the Five" in "To Ride, Shoot Straight, And Speak the Truth".
In my edition...
But if you want to be protected "on the street" you will need the handgun. Yes it is harder to do well with it, but odds are the handgun is what you will have. Probably a little handgun. That is why I am looking at this question.
I don't want people to have a false sense of security or skill...
Longer I carry the more streamlined I want my gear. For CCW I have two Glock 26's and a J frame. Also have a Glock 29sf but that is more for hiking & such.
Plan to get a SP101 and that will probably replace J frame most of the time.
All I have for handguns is Glocks and DA revolvers.
I know it sounds silly, but wouldn't some type of helmet help?
As I understand it one reason why Brown Bears can kill humans easier than Black Bears is because they both kill by biting skull, but Brown has bigger jaws so gets better leverage on human sized skull.
Unlike cats for instance...
So how do you defend against 4 guys with rifles and body armor? AFAIK the only way for home defender to win against 4 vs 1 is to control a choke point.
BUT if your facing people with rifles and body armor, I'm assuming they can flank me easily. They can break regular walls easy if they are...
GNLaFrance: I haven't found a case where it mattered thats why I posted here.
That case, if it was the one I read some years ago, was one where the gun shop owner engaged the badguys when he didn't need to IIRC. Note I'm not saying he did wrong, just that he had the choice not to engage.
I think handguns are more AVAILABLE 24/7 than a longgun. Long gun can't, realistically, be carried concealed. So if you get the more powerful long gun for home defense you will still need to get handgun for outside the home.
Do you mind posting link to the thread you mentioned?
I think...
I think I read a story about that one somewhere, would you have a link or more info on when and where it happened?
If it is the one I'm thinking of he had like 3 or more long guns, he was basically doing NY reload of long guns instead of reloading.
Do you know how his gun broke? That sounds more like poor quality or something than needing a long gun. If he had a j frame BUG would that have helped?
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