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  1. Rockrivr1

    How you feel buying guns

    And how you sneak that into the house without the wife finding out.......
  2. Rockrivr1

    Thoughts on a Dan Wesson 15 multi barrel 357 Mag Revolver?

    On the 715, is that a compensator next to the 2 inch barrel? Does that screw into all the barrels?
  3. Rockrivr1

    Just for the heck of it

    I remember when I was getting decent in High Power I could pull the trigger and almost immediately know where to look on the target to see my shot. The whole Calling your Shot thing. If you pulled a bad shot, and knew it, it could mess with your mind a little so you had to learn how to block...
  4. Rockrivr1

    How you feel buying guns

    I've said this in other threads as well, but to me the thrill of the hunt is what I enjoy the most. Yes, owning a gun I've hunted for is satisfying, but not as satisfying as the looking and finding part. I think it's one of the reasons I enjoy estate auctions so much. Always guns involved...
  5. Rockrivr1

    I bought a Gl...Glo..Glock...there I said it.

    I felt the same way about the Glock grip angle until I tried the G45. They changed up the angle a bit with this model and it feel more like my other handguns. I shoot it very well so it's a keeper!
  6. Rockrivr1

    Is a 1994 Olympic Arms MFR AR-15 a decent pick up?

    You're dead on with the AWB stuff here in MA. Anything that is fun or new is unobtanium here. There are now FFLs that are pushing the limit that the MA Gov't put in place and utilizing loopholes that FFLs in the past wouldn't touch. You're not supposed to be able to buy new Glocks here in...
  7. Rockrivr1

    Winchester 1895 Rifles in 30-06 - What should I know?

    I would think if you use “Garand Safe” 30-06 you’d be in a safe spot.
  8. Rockrivr1

    Is a 1994 Olympic Arms MFR AR-15 a decent pick up?

    A friend of mine is looking to get rid of his 1994 Olympic Arms MFR AR-15 and he’s asked me if I want to buy it. Don’t know much about ARs from that time period. Would have to think it’s a decent rifle to have and own. Comes with the original box and everything that came with it. What do...
  9. Rockrivr1

    I bought a Gl...Glo..Glock...there I said it.

    I went back and forth between the Glock 43 and the Sig 365. I’m not against Glocks as I have several, but in the end I went with the 365. Though I’m sure I’ll pick up a 43 somewhere down the line.
  10. Rockrivr1

    I love REVOLVERS-!

    Same! I have a huge soft spot for revolvers, especially vintage S&Ws. I just picked up a beautiful M36 yesterday. Don’t think I’ll carry this but I could easily if I wanted too. I’m looking at a vintage M60 later this week as well As to the OP I’ve pocket carried a 642 for a long while...
  11. Rockrivr1

    Handled a S&W Schofield Model 3 in 45 S&W that was for sale. One sweet handgun!

    It took all I could do not to throw the credit card down. Had some reservations though. I couldn’t tell if it had been bored to 45LC. It was though in pretty decent shape and was in fireable condition. Pricy but I’m thinking worth it. Also wasn’t sure if 45 S&W was produced anymore. Come to...
  12. Rockrivr1

    What is the last gun that you bought?

    Just picked up this very nice S&W Model 36 Chief Special.
  13. Rockrivr1

    Old fella brings in his old service S&W 66! if guns could talk

    Love the M66. I have a no dash in a 4 inch barrel and a dash 2 in a 2.5 inch barrel. Both are awesome range fun.
  14. Rockrivr1

    45 vs 9mm in 1911

    I have several of both and enjoy them in both calibers. I don’t see one is better than the other. Each has their best uses and they are fun, though in 9mm I tend to stay with 147gr rounds and 45acp it’s all about 230gr.
  15. Rockrivr1

    Have you become tired or bored with reloading?

    Unfortunately it's not just reloading for me. It's every hobby I ever had. I'm good for 4-5 years doing something and then I ultimately get bored and am looking for something else. Over the years I've done rollerblading, skiing, golf, fencing, cycling, reloading, karate, kayaking, etc' and...
  16. Rockrivr1

    Show off your leverguns.

    I was watching a hunting video on YouTube yesterday that was going over best/worst hunting calibers for new hunters and the guy actually said for new hunters to stay away from 30/30. That it was antiquated, on its way out and not worth hunting with it. Seems to be pretty bad personal advice...
  17. Rockrivr1

    An Optic on a Hammerless J-Frame?

    Agree that they are useless. My 642 came with one and even with brand new batteries you cannot see the dot during day. Especially if its in sunlight. Complete waste.
  18. Rockrivr1

    Winchester 1895 Rifles in 30-06 - What should I know?

    I did not know this. Thanks for the heads up before I started trying to jam ammo into it wrong.
  19. Rockrivr1

    Winchester 1895 Rifles in 30-06 - What should I know?

    Seriously looking at a Winchester 1895 Lever Action rifle in 30-06. I've seen these around for a long time but for some reason they have grown on me and seriously thinking about buying one. Before I do is there anything I should be aware of or be concerned about when looking it over? Thanks
  20. Rockrivr1

    I feel kind of lucky

    Inflation has hit the gun industry hard as well. I remember buying a Canik TP9 for $300 several years ago. I just looked at their new TTI Combat model and it’s now $1100. Long gone are the quality inexpensive handguns.