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  1. Craig_AR

    We're not done yet.

    Does it have to be someone who can field strip a Glock 19?
  2. Craig_AR

    We're not done yet.

    I have a real problem with not being able to read the pre-written letter until after giving GOA my personal information, especially e-mail. I may want to compose my own but use theirs to seed my version. Could someone who has already decided to sign the GOA letter post the entire contents of...
  3. Craig_AR

    NRA Board Election

    Please remain members and vote for reform. The original core mission of the NRA was responsible firearms training, not politics and lobbying. In the past decades the latter effort has subsumed the training missions. However, active training efforts remain in NRA, but sadly underfunded, neglected...
  4. Craig_AR

    NRA Board Election

    In addition to the article on Ammoland, I recommend checking the latest blogpost on NRA in Danger, NRA Voting Recommendations And then the site The NRA in Danger blog has been in the front lines of supporting needed changes in teh organiztoin for years. It is worth...
  5. Craig_AR

    Gun Loyalty?

    "Despite their technical personalities, riflemen often attach to their favorite calibers for irrational and illogical reasons." OK, this is a funny and insightful article from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Jan 23, 2025, written by an experienced hunter: Gun loyalty often has odd reason Enjoy!
  6. Craig_AR

    National Reciprocity... Again? Finally?

    Two aspects to remember. 1. LEOSA is a law, not an Executive Order. 2. The US Coast Guard is the only uniformed / mliitary service that is also a law enforcement organization. Thus USCG members qualify under LEOSA.
  7. Craig_AR

    National Reciprocity... Again? Finally?

    Sorry, it does not work that way. In spite of the abuse of EOs by two recent presidents, EOs are not laws. They are only instructions to the Executive Branch departments and agencies on how to carry out their legal authorities. An EO cannot mandate a state to do anything. In our gun world, Biden...
  8. Craig_AR

    Remington Ammo's New Owners

    Here are some bits from a 1/12/25 article in the Ark. Democrat-Gazette, which is behind a paywall. The new owner is "Ammo+ Division for Czechoslovak Group, known as CSG, a Prague-based arms conglomerate that purchased Remington and three other major ammo groups late last year." The brands now...
  9. Craig_AR

    National Reciprocity... Again? Finally?

    No, it would not go against states rights, because the Constitutionality of full reciprocity is based on the full faith and credit clause in Article IV, § 1 of the Constitution. The precedent is already well established on the analogous issues of marriage licenses and drivers licenses. That...
  10. Craig_AR

    National Reciprocity... Again? Finally?

    This is not a new topic on THR; see a quick list of earlier threads. However, folks are salivating for this possible national law in 2025, with a newly introduced bill in the Senate. But, if this long shot bill does become law, will become more important than ever. From the linked...
  11. Craig_AR

    Big Guns vs. Small Guns

    With my instructor hat on, on the very rare opportunity to work with a potential student before the first gun purchase, I talk about the big versus small issue, emphasizing the trade-offs of comfortable carry and ease of accurate shooting. I had not even considered trying to convince them to...
  12. Craig_AR

    Is this common? “Medical marijuana”

    A solid FFL will do this if they smell a possible straw purchase, or if a frequent purchase seems to be routinely buying for resale without an FFL . FFLs are specifially allowed to deny business to anyone for any reson because of the many restrictions on ownership..
  13. Craig_AR

    Is this common? “Medical marijuana”

    There is no question whether you use heroin or meth, either.. ALL of the illegal or controlled drugs are included in the one drug quesiotn.
  14. Craig_AR

    .22 LR ammo?

    I've had a lot of success with Federal bulk pack .22LR. I prefer the copper jacketed hollow point for a bit cleaner gun, but the lead round nose (LRN) is OK. For years I have stayed far away from Remington bulk.22LR, especially the buckets, as it consistently had a high rate of misfire and is...
  15. Craig_AR

    Ruger 10-22 Fiber

    Note that the Ruger describes the stock as carbon fiber, while the MagPul stock is listed as polymer. Apparently they are the same design (mold?) stock, but the difference in materials accounts for the price surprise.
  16. Craig_AR

    Must have been my turn to be droned?

    The pictured craft is not a drone, but an autogyro or gryoplane. Yes, it does have a pilot. It is not a helicopter because the rotating wing is not powered. Instead, you can see the powered pusher propeller on the back of the main body of the craft. Autogyros are generally recreational personal...
  17. Craig_AR

    Three stories Worthy of Reflection

    First story with Video link: DA releases video, says Aurora 7-Eleven security guard shot in self defense Second story with video GUN BLUNDER :Horror moment judge accidentally SHOOTS contestant in the bum at point-blank range after ‘not putting safety on’ ... I have read follow-up stories on...
  18. Craig_AR

    Rule #4 in Action

    Actually, there is valid reason for proceeding with a prosecution and blowing the case. That will protect the dude from future prosecution due to double jeopardy. If he relies on a no-charges benefit, any future prosecutor could revive charges and take to trial until the statute of limitations...
  19. Craig_AR

    Drawing-How do you deal with a heavy jacket in winter.

    Winter Draw Strong Side Tips With Chris Bean
  20. Craig_AR

    Widow Wants Guns ATF Took After Killing Husband

    I read the ATF affidavit that accompanied the search warrant. He bought most of the guns through GunBroker and then picked them up, completing a 4473 each time, from a local gun shop in North Little Rock. Folks who monitor GunBroker prices can tell us if local face-to-face sale prices are...