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  1. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    I’ll be pulling for you!
  2. H&Hhunter

    Has technology taken the hunter out of the hunt?

    I cleaned up some personal sniping and arguing. Let’s not restart any of that please…
  3. H&Hhunter

    My "perfected" western hunting setup

    Once upon a time I had one just like it. A Japanese shiny Mark V in 257 Bee, and like yours it shot extremely well. That was back in the days before I was big into reloading and it stacked factory ammo into a nice tight little cluster. I can’t remember why but something chrome platted waltzed by...
  4. H&Hhunter

    7mm Backcountry interview with federal

    So regarding performance on game. The 7 BC doesn’t give us superior terminal performance on game in any measurable way. We can achieve exactly what the 7 BC gives us ballistically or better with current offerings. What it does is allow us to achieve those same ballistics from a shorter and...
  5. H&Hhunter

    454 casull Rossi 92 for hunting and 4 legged defence

    They are a very thin jacketed cheaply built cup and core bullet. We’ve had a ton of core separations with them on hogs with extremely poor penetration and terminal performance.
  6. H&Hhunter

    7mm Backcountry interview with federal

    Seekins is building a short barreled 7BC in a folding chassis. When you fold that thing up you could easily stick it in a smaller day pack. The utility of that makes it somewhat interesting. Edited to note; They build their folder in 7BC in a 22” barrel same as the 7 PRC. So the utility is the...
  7. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    They had a special trailer trash idiot answering their CS phone. I had three run ins with little miss nasty for really simple issues that obviously were a Kimber problem. She was a one woman Kimber brand wrecking crew. Obviously things change but I’ve never gotten that taste out of my mouth...
  8. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    That’s showing some potential. I’ve been hit or miss with kimber rifles I had a Montana in .308 that I enjoyed and it grouped fairly well for what it was. I don’t remember why but I sent it down the road. I then had an 8400 in the .30-06 that was very accurate. But it had some functional...
  9. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    If you want to buy/build a 5 lb rifle I am 100% in support of you doing so. What I’m saying is you don’t need to go out and do so unless you want to. Want is a powerful motivator in the gun world. I have a safe full of want and lust down stairs.
  10. H&Hhunter

    New Havak PH3 Design

    I’m willing to give Seekins a chance. But I’m the other guy who can’t STAND a safety that doesn’t lock the bolt down. But we’ve discussed that issue/non issue in a previous thread. Theres a lot to like about the PH3 on paper it looks fantastic.
  11. H&Hhunter

    What's the hunting scope magnification sweet spot for up to 600 yards?

    I’ve done it multiple times. I’ve shoot a lot of elk in dark timber during the middle of the day. It just depends on where and how you hunt.
  12. H&Hhunter

    Is a 10lb hunting rifle too heavy?

    A 6.5 CM will kill elk all day long. And there are better choices for elk than a 6.5 CM.
  13. H&Hhunter

    Worst year passed by, hoping for 2025

    2024 had it out for my family too! Here’s to a fresh start and a wonderful year in 2025.
  14. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    Climbing any of those is one heck of an accomplishment. Denali… Wow! My hat is off to you sir!
  15. H&Hhunter

    Hunting-dog Dog-House

    Sounds like quite the conundrum, good luck with whatever you decide.
  16. H&Hhunter

    Hunting-dog Dog-House

    A GSP is an entirely different story, and even then I’d spend the money on a decent kennel with a robust heating system for the temps you’re describing. I’ve got a Spinone, a Brittany and 5 Jagdterriers. I built them a 12x18’ kennel with inside and outside runs with dual heaters. I insulated...
  17. H&Hhunter

    Hunting-dog Dog-House

    23F is too cold for a small dog. It’s got to be in the 50’s at a minimum for a little guy. Something like a mini dachshund or a teacup poodle is not going to be able to retain heat like a bigger dog. You could also get him a sweater to wear, they do help. Just me but I wouldn’t keep a mini...
  18. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    Seems like Father Time is trying to take my legs in one way or another, I’ve got a back issue that slowed me way down in the last couple of years.
  19. H&Hhunter

    Hunting-dog Dog-House

    Like it’s been said, keep them out of the wind and dry and they will be fine. My kennel stays at about 50F in the winter. My short haired Jagdterriers are happy and comfortable.
  20. H&Hhunter

    Light weight rifles for elk hunting! They aren’t the answer.

    Exactly think less body builder more cross fitter/tri athlete kind of shape. Vo2 max is way more important than how much you can bench.