Loaded 100 rounds of 44 magnum with MBC 200 grain LRNFP 18 BHN, Unis Ginex LP primers and Ramshot Enforcer @ 23.1 grains in mixed headstamp trimmed brass still have 400 more to go.
Bought a pound of Titegroup and 1000 Lightning 155 grain LSWC bullets for my 40’s . Also ordered 3 more new 1911 Check Mate magazines from Midway that were on sale.
I use IMR 3031 in 45/70 but I am shooting it in a revolver a Magnum Research BFR 7.5 inch barrel. I use a 300 grain.358 MBC LRNFP , LR primer, Starline brass , IMR 3031 @ 38.9 grains. The load data I use is from Lyman it is Thompson Center Contender data.
I would sell the house we have and get a another home the size we have but it would have to have a 3 car garage, I would convert one stall into the reloading room I have always wanted , I have all the equipment I need but my dream reloading room at this point in my life would be icing on the...
I load 9mm mainly because of my S&W 929 PC revolver the bore and cylinder throats measure.3575 and it doesn’t shoot off the shelf ammo worth a crap , but with a .357 135 grain MBC LRN man it’s accurate as hell. My other 9mm is a Springfield XDM Elite Precision so I load for both of them ...
I think 38 special will always be here but I don’t see ammunition for it coming down in price, unfortunately when comes to manufacturers Volume always Rules as in 9mm. I reload 38 special using Precision Delta 148 grain LHBWC they make a great one which is extremely accurate in my S&W 14-2 with...
On Sunday shot my new RIA Ultra FS in 40 S&W, I was a little surprised by the accuracy of it . I also brought along the 3 new Check Mate magazines I got also which I am glad I did the one that came with it would not push up the slide stop on the last round but the Check Mate ones worked great...
When everything was available here I used Hodgdon/ IMR Hi Skor 700X for 38 super, 38 special,40 S&W and 45auto/auto rimmed for 25 years and Bullseye for 9mm.
For 357 magnum, 44 magnum and 454 Casull I used 2400 or W296/H110 .
Now with the way things are in the powder world I have finally...
Method is more important than equipment! like the Indian Motorcycle movie, based on a true story too!
Method is definitely more important than equipment some of you know that I am a big Lee fan and everything I have is Lee, but as you said Mark Mark it’s the method I load very accurate...
I am going to pick up some washers as I want to try it on the 40 S&W , 44 magnum and 45 auto FCD to see how it works.
Edited Note - I think Titan Reloading has the best price from what others have stated.
Just an update to this I have been using Lee MAS on the 9mm FCD die with no issues. I only have one right now and I like it on the FCD die. I am not using it on the seating die as I have dummy rounds for everything I reload with all the different bullets I use in each caliber. Using it on the...
I think Lee still has the handle and linkage update kit available for yours but if you decide that please call Lee Precision , the press I have replaced yours, that is why it looks different and the handle on mine is the new Ergo updated handle . I also have a Lee Classic Cast Turret press...
That’s why I replaced mine the body that the ram goes through was really worn it was causing me issues with reloading. The new Lee Value turret one is a good press for the money I just mounted it on some stacked pieces of 4x6 lumber to get it up off the bench. I like standing while reloading...
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