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  • Users: JN01
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  1. JN01

    NRA Board Election

    Here is a video by Vandermyde talking about reform candidates: Website with info about reform candidates:
  2. JN01

    DAO .32 Pocket Rocket

    I'm a Guardian and P32 owner. The NAA is nice, but the KelTec is much lighter and much easier to shoot. The P32 grip is slimmer than I care for, a little more bulk makes it easier to hold onto. I used a Pachmayr sleeve for a while, but it tends to slip around. I found that the Ruger LCP II...
  3. JN01

    45 vs 9mm in 1911

    I've had several 45ACP 1911s through the years, for defensive use, .45 has an edge over 9mm. I currently have a Tisas ASF GI model in 9mm for range use, it is completely reliable with FMJs, haven't tried hollow points in it yet.
  4. JN01

    Can 380acp be better than 9mm?

    The biggest difference is between blow-back vs locked breech.
  5. JN01

    So what's actually wrong with Sccy?

    As a bludgeon, door stop, or anchor, absolutely. 😀 I tried a couple at my local shooting range at the request of the owner, one hammer fired, the other striker fired. The trigger on the hammer gun was horrible. The striker gun wasn't bad, shot reliably and accurately with the one magazine I...
  6. JN01

    Pistol for most common magazine(s) in US

    And then compare sales numbers.
  7. JN01

    Kel Tec getting back to its roots

    I wonder how you would unload the magazine without firing it.
  8. JN01

    Pistol for most common magazine(s) in US

    The Glock G26 can use 10,12,15,17,24, and 33 round 9mm magazines. A G27 with a G33 and 9mm conversion barrels can use all of the above along with slightly reduced capacity mags in .40 or .357 Sig. Due to the prevalence of Glocks, Glock clones, and carbines that use Glock mags, I'd guess they...
  9. JN01

    The Payoff For All of The Hard Work

    Cool solution.
  10. JN01

    The Payoff For All of The Hard Work

    Your skills are impressive. Is there a reason for the angled cut on the front of the slide or is it just cosmetic?
  11. JN01

    Holster for a S&W Bodyguard 2.0

    PJ Holster makes a kydex version.
  12. JN01

    Ruger MK IV 22 Pistol - You might say I’ve got the “Upper” hand with this pistol

    Thanks for the heads up, I've been wanting a pencil barrel, hard to beat $30. Also ordered an OEM bolt assembly for $50 from Wirthwein Guns.
  13. JN01

    Tune-up for Beretta .32 Tomcat?

    How about a S&W Bodyguard 2.0? It is pretty soft shooting, just a tiny bit taller and longer than the Tomcat, but much thinner and 3 oz. lighter. Ammo variety in 380 is better than 32 as well.
  14. JN01

    Why did you make a Snubby your #1

    Holy crap! I have that book, it's a great source, but $400-900? Hard to imagine anyone would be insane enough to pay that much.
  15. JN01

    LCP MAX, Glock 42, and Bodyguard 2.0 Comparison.

    They still can't be imported, that is why a limited run was made in the US. As they say,"available while supplies last".
  16. JN01

    LCP MAX, Glock 42, and Bodyguard 2.0 Comparison.

    The G25 and G28 were made in the US in special runs, a limited number were produced.
  17. JN01

    S&W 632UC Kaboom

    Well, it was obviously caused by limp-wristing. 😁 Glad you still have all your fingers and eyes.
  18. JN01

    Do You Have A Double of Your EDC? Why?

    OP has solid arguements. Plus, DOUBLE WIELDING! 😁