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  1. Nature Boy

    What .45 1911 for my 45th?

    What about a CZ97? Take what’s left over from your budget and have Cajun Gun Works give it the treatment.
  2. Nature Boy

    What do you take to a match?

    Rifle (don’t forget the bolt) Ammo Spotting scope w/stand Front rest (or bipod) Rear bag Shooting mat Eye and ear protection Empty chamber indicator Folding chair Water & snacks My range bag also has tools, cleaning rod and chronograph. Plus extra ear plugs and safety glasses.
  3. Nature Boy

    Precision Reloading for Competition?

    My advice is take what you have (you’ve already done a lot of upgrading) and get 4 or 5 matches under your belt before spending anything on reloading equipment.
  4. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    Or maybe they were using Hornady bullets
  5. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    It was a rhetorical question. The experts at Hornady haven’t given us guidance, other than to say we’re doing it wrong
  6. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    What method are they using? Blindfolded with a dart casually tossed in the direction of a Hornady reloading manual? Seriously.
  7. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    I’ve shot enough tests in load development to determine than my 6 BRA shoots more consistently with H4895 than it does with Varget or N140. But if the premise of this position is that any ol’ load will do then the “science guys” will need to prove it
  8. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    Appeal to authority is a logic fallacy, and even more so when the authority can’t make consistent bullets and brass They should fix their own in-house issues before lecturing us on how we’re waiting our time
  9. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    That’s a wide accuracy node.
  10. Nature Boy

    Our Ladder Is Broken

    I look at load development as: 1. a method for eliminating causes of variation in my ammo. Just like: 2. custom barrels, top line triggers, premium optics and experienced gunsmithing eliminates causes of variation in the rifle. And, just like 3. practicing rifle mechanics and wind reading...
  11. Nature Boy

    Shaw Barrel: Yea or Nay?

    Re-barrel it and shoot it. The satisfaction you’ll get from that, especially since it was your dad’s, will exceed what you’d get from having it languish in the back of your safe. That’s what I would do.
  12. Nature Boy

    Nu Finish

    A couple of squirts
  13. Nature Boy

    Decapping pin replacement

    Order more than one.
  14. Nature Boy

    Serac scope gone bad

    I think you hit the nail on the head To sell a scope for less than $100 means the company has to cut corners to manufacture it. A lot of corners. Scopes in this class are usually intended for airsoft play and not suited for range or field duty on real guns. You have a nice rifle and care...
  15. Nature Boy

    My 1st 750 XL! (used) !!! 😊

    The blue men welcome you to the group
  16. Nature Boy

    308 AR10 ppwders for 150 gr.

    1. H4895 2. N140 3. Varget In that order
  17. Nature Boy

    Broke Something in my used 750!!

    I got an add in my social feed that Dillon is running a 10% discount on all presses plus free shipping. Sounds like a good time for you to buy a back up press ;)
  18. Nature Boy

    Looking at 308 Bolt actions

    If it’s just target duty then I’d likely go with a Savage. They aren’t the prettiest but they do tend to shoot tight groups right out the box. When that’s no longer good enough screw on a match barrel from one of the top makers and shoot even smaller. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with...
  19. Nature Boy

    SKS, Really?

    Hey, army’s have had bands since Alexander. I appreciated the director’s creativity.