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  1. PO2Hammer

    147 grain 9mm

    Nothing wrong with fast powders and 147s. Bullseye and W231 were my favorites with 147 plated or jacketed in pistol and carbine.
  2. PO2Hammer

    Looking for load data for win 244 with 147 gr RN

    If you can compare the bullet lengths and adjust COAL accordingly you should be in a good place for starting data. Seating depth is a real concern in 9mm, more so than 357 magnum with similar bullets,
  3. PO2Hammer

    Tube fed Centerfire - Bullet type?

    Millions of cast lead gets fired from lever guns every year. Cast RNFP is very popular, the RN helps with feeding and the FP keeps them safe. Before I hand loaded I shot tons of Blazer 38 LRN in my Marlins and Rossis.
  4. PO2Hammer

    People who reloaded in the 80s and 90s; tell me your setup

    A Rockchucker, a can of Green Dot, a scale and some yellow dippers.
  5. PO2Hammer

    9mm ar15 narrel feed cone

    Are you shooting fmj (round nose) or hollow points?
  6. PO2Hammer

    Who fired a rifle for the first time at a summer camp? Part two.

    4H camp when I was 12. My sister was a counselor there, so I spent my entire summer shooting, canoeing, crafting…. Loved shooting the bolt action 22’s, got ‘high score of the week’ once.
  7. PO2Hammer

    Stop reloading one..

    I would quit loading 9mm if someone made ammo that was as accurate as mine and it was affordable.
  8. PO2Hammer

    Researching a new press: Redding T-7 vs Dillon RL550 C

    If you want to make a thousand 9mms, that might be an extra 3,000 pulls on the turret press. After many years of loading 9, 45, and 40/10 on the turret, the 550 is like getting a big raise.
  9. PO2Hammer

    Researching a new press: Redding T-7 vs Dillon RL550 C

    One issue with 550C is converting from caliber to caliber can get pricey. A funnel/expander, shell plates, buttons and powder dumpers. Much easier and cheaper on the T-7.
  10. PO2Hammer

    Researching a new press: Redding T-7 vs Dillon RL550 C

    I started with the T-7, zero complaints, very precise, good leverage and room for things like ram prime and universal decappers along with a full set of dies. I used it for rifle, revolver and pistol calibers for years. Getting serious about 9mm, I needed more speed, not to make lots of ammo...
  11. PO2Hammer

    What have you done in the reloading room today

    After a frustrating day at the range where my red dot died, I removed it and put my trusty old Leupold 4X RF special on my 357 Handi barrel. Carefully bore sighted it on a yield sign across the street. Tumbled 357 brass in walnut with a squirt of mineral spirits. Loaded 3 small batches of 357...
  12. PO2Hammer

    What .357 Bullet for 2 1/2” Barrel 357 Mag

    No, you just wear your long johns under your shorts.
  13. PO2Hammer

    What .357 Bullet for 2 1/2” Barrel 357 Mag

    Take advantage of the weather.
  14. PO2Hammer

    What did you shoot today?

    Had a break in the weather today so I shot my 357 NEF Handi rifle with Romeo5 today with some handloads. The Sierra 125 JSPs shot exceptionally well at 100 yards, really liking that bullet. Speer 125 TMJ and 135 Gold Dot did very well too. I started offhand plinking but something was wrong...
  15. PO2Hammer

    What .357 Bullet for 2 1/2” Barrel 357 Mag

    In my non scientific water testing the Sierra 125 soft point expands reliably at lower velocities plus it has a huge flat point. I haven’t tried the 158 version. I’m sure the 140 XTP will work well for the OP.
  16. PO2Hammer

    Washed primers

    Love the posts that suggest he did this on purpose just so they can tell him how wrong he is.
  17. PO2Hammer

    Lightest Trail Boss load from long-barreled .357?

    I shoot a lot of Hornady swaged lead bullets and other lead in my 22” Handi rifle with Trail Boss. I’ve found that conventional lube can run out before you get to the end of long barrels with revolver loads. I add Lee liquid alox as a second lube, works like magic. I use 4 grains TB in magnum...
  18. PO2Hammer

    300 Blackout & 6mm ARC Dies

    Not usually a Hornady guy , but I am very impressed with my Hornady 300 BLK set. I use a Lee universal flaring tool when loading cast/coated.
  19. PO2Hammer

    Dark Mountain Stow away 5n7

    Looks interesting, but they only seem to have 5.7x28 barrels available. I would love a 22 WMR, but rimfire probably wouldn’t work with that design. 300 BLK maybe?
  20. PO2Hammer

    9mm AR load info?

    Don’t reduce loads for longer barrels. In my carbine I like Bullseye, W231 and Power Pistol.