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  1. sparkyfender

    Open carrier loses his gun, maybe more

    My favorite part was the young woman laughing as she locked the door. Just another day in the life! That establishment looks like a place you definitely want to be armed while visiting, but don't leave your gun hanging out of your pocket. Hate on him all you want, but at least the guy with the...
  2. sparkyfender

    The U.N.C.L.E Special

    Neat! When I was a child, a friend had the toy version of the U.N.C.L.E. gun, Wish I had it today.
  3. sparkyfender

    Im a bit torn, Beretta 84FS.

    I have an 84 FS that I used to carry some, but I've pretty much stopped mainly because of the blowback recoil for the caliber, and the thickness of the grip. It is a great little gun, however, and I wouldn't hesitate to start carrying it again if the mood strikes. I would jump on your nickel...
  4. sparkyfender

    Show off your wilderness sidearm.

    Probably not an ideal choice with the 3" barrel, but it's what I have. S&W 629.
  5. sparkyfender

    Big Guns vs. Small Guns

    Valid points, but I'm sure most of us already agree on the shootability of big vs. small guns. That said, I'm in the, "just have a gun of any size" camp instead of being unarmed. I personally split the difference and mostly carry mid size or compact handguns.
  6. sparkyfender

    I think I saw a unicorn on Netflix

    I had an Ultra Compact with the V-10 porting back in the 90s. Polished stainless. Sadly, it had razor sharp edges that drew blood, was totally unreliable, so I traded it off. I bought it factory new; it was a model with a full size frame but the Ultra slide. I've never seen another like it. If...
  7. sparkyfender

    Trash or Treasure? Sig P230

    I've never fired one, but I think they are a handsome pistol. The couple I have run across in the local gun shops have really been too beat for my tastes. If I could find one in excellent shape though, I might bite. These quoted mag prices are a little "ouch" for me, however..........
  8. sparkyfender

    What do I want? Deep carry.

    I'd go with the newish S&W Bodyguard 2.0. My wife has one, it's tiny and reliable.
  9. sparkyfender

    Do You Have A Double of Your EDC? Why?

    I have extra HK USP Compacts and Glock 19s. I am usually carrying something else, but I can always fall back on one of these if the need would arise. Today I am toting an HK P2000sk, but I only have one of them.
  10. sparkyfender

    Revolver Substitutions on Screen

    In "Fargo," near the end, Frances McDormand is firing a J frame snub at the bad guy fleeing out across a frozen lake. The shot then cuts away to show her stepping out onto the ice, but she is now holding a K frame with a 4" barrel.
  11. sparkyfender

    To buy or not to buy.

    Incredibly cool piece, and from what I've seen of your collection, would fit right in. A little pricey in my estimation, but I've overpaid for something I wanted before, as I believe most of us probably have. 3rd Gen S&W pistols are drying up locally, as well as shooting up in the asking...
  12. sparkyfender

    Tonight I’m gonna party like it’s….2009?

    Sounds like a heck of a deal! {Jealous}
  13. sparkyfender

    Carry Guns Over the Years

    I've carried a bunch over many years. Beretta Tomcat. Ruger P93. Kahr MK9. H&K P7. S&W 3913 Lady Smith. Sig 239. Colt Detective Special. HK USP Compact. Glock 19. CZ Rami.
  14. sparkyfender

    The itch continues...

    Nice acquisition! I now have a soft spot for the 3rd Gen Smiths, but they aren't showing up with any regularity at the gun shops I frequent. I think people have been searching them out for a while, and I wish I hadn't traded away a few I had in years gone by. I did pick up a very fine 2nd Gen...
  15. sparkyfender

    Springfield Inc. XDm 5.25

    I have one in the safe, it was a Christmas present several years ago. Good gun, well made, a comfortable shooter. It is pretty large, if that matters, and I just tend to call on a Glock 21 if reaching for a double stack .45 acp.
  16. sparkyfender

    22LR pistol that fits in your front pocket?

    I can put my S&W 2213 in my pocket, but it's out of print and I don't know how common used ones are. I do know magazines are hard to find and expensive when they can be located. Here it is compared to a 3913.
  17. sparkyfender

    Fanny packs usage

    I have one but have never used it. My wife carries one at times with her Sig 365 in it.
  18. sparkyfender

    Looking for a new CCW piece for the wife. Open to suggestions!

    My wife bought the new S&W Bodyguard 2.0 a couple of weeks ago. It is surprisingly petite.
  19. sparkyfender


    I carried a Kahr MK9 for years. I also have a P9.
  20. sparkyfender

    What are your favorite large size .380s?

    Beretta 84fs for me. Although I do think the recoil is a bit much for .380.