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  1. DT Guy

    Washington "spring blade" Ban repeal hearing.

    Excellent news-fingers crossed. Larry
  2. DT Guy

    Luger Fires When Taken off Safe

    I've never had a Luger apart (or even held one), so take this in the spirit of generally uninformed helpfulness in which it is offered: If a 1911, BHP, Ruger MK acts that way, it's typically because there is a lug on the safety that blocks either the sear or the hammer/striker, and that lug is...
  3. DT Guy

    Washington "spring blade" Ban repeal hearing.

    Curious if there's an update on how this hearing went? Larry
  4. DT Guy

    Byrna 'non-lethal' guns?

    Good point. We've got some folks a ways down the road who let their dogs run loose, and I'm not at all keen on shooting someone's dog-however irresponsible they are in letting it run loose. On the other hand, I don't want to have them tearing up our chickens. My 'weapon' of choice to date has...
  5. DT Guy

    Striker fired 'non commanded discharges' again in the news

    Makes sense, though I hadn't heard it. Do you know of any testing or research about it? Larry
  6. DT Guy

    Striker fired 'non commanded discharges' again in the news

    Washington State Police NCD's The issues dogging Sig with their 'non commanded discharges' involving the 320 pistol seem to continue, and had me wondering: With the spring tensioned cruciform/striker, or sear/striker (the terminology will differ) interface on a striker-fired pistol, would it...
  7. DT Guy

    Byrna 'non-lethal' guns?

    If I understand them correctly, they have a system that leaves the CO2 cartridge unpierced until you fire, assuring that the gas hasn't leaked out (as it inevitably would) if you carried around a paintball gun charged up. Understood as an intermediate force option, they could make sense-but the...
  8. DT Guy

    We're not done yet.

    He lost a congressional seat by about 500 votes after being outspent 10 to 1. Larry
  9. DT Guy

    We're not done yet.

    People are overlooking what might be the biggest impact Biden had on gun rights; his 'directions' to ATF on what they would and wouldn't 'determine' about specific firearms features, and how they would treat FFL holders. Rolling those back will have real consequences for real people; it's far...
  10. DT Guy

    American Gun Company Hammer Double

    That gun is proof that elegant lines don't need to be expensive. Larry
  11. DT Guy

    An Optic on a Hammerless J-Frame?

    I'd really like someone to make an analog to that Colt model for adjustable sight S&W revolvers; I think they're a much more appropriate platform for an optic, compared to a J-frame. I'd like to see what my 686 SSR could do with a dot.... Larry
  12. DT Guy

    An Optic on a Hammerless J-Frame?

    And I would wonder why a civilian in these United States wouldn't try to defend himself against an attacker 30' away. If retreat or cover were available, I'd certainly use it; failing that, I don't think I feel compelled to be a bullet sponge for someone simply because they're beyond some...
  13. DT Guy

    An Optic on a Hammerless J-Frame?

    I always find it odd when folks talk about how a certain type of defensive firearm is for certain 'distances.' Unless you're carrying one gun for 0-5 feet, another for 6-30 feet and one more for 30+ feet, how's that work? I have no idea how far away an attacker will be when I have to defend...
  14. DT Guy

    NRA Board Election

    Todd's a straight-up 2A warrior. Larry
  15. DT Guy

    Arkansas Bench Stone

    I've got a full assortment of Arkansas stones, from the soft to a 'hard black', and used them for years on all my knives, including those I made. Now I do everything with diamonds and ceramics in about 1/4 the time, and get a better edge. Larry
  16. DT Guy

    An Optic on a Hammerless J-Frame?

    Well, looks like Colt has also come out with an optics mount for revolvers; this one replaces the rear sight on their adjustable sight models, and only costs ~$80. TFT Video on Colt Optics Mount I guess there are a lot of people (like me, lately) who really want optics on their 'serious'...
  17. DT Guy

    NRA Board Election

    Isn't the big question, "Are you a LaPierre crony?" There needs to be a sea change at NRA, and everyone associated with his regime moved along. That's the only way (IMHO) for the NRA to regain any trust with the shooting public. The only way to recover from something like the situation...
  18. DT Guy

    What do I want? Deep carry.

    I've got a S&W Bodyguard 2.0 that I love, a Ruger LCP Max that works well (after some work) and a Kahr CW380. The Kahr is enough smaller to make a big difference. It also has a trigger that a 'revolver guy' would probably appreciate. I'd note that while mine has run 100%, that's not always the...
  19. DT Guy

    Smith & Wesson Model 16 K-32 Masterpiece

    I'd almost welcome those barrel divots, simply because otherwise that might really be too nice to shoot. It's still very nice, but I wouldn't mind taking it to the range as it sits. I'm also guessing that if someone went to the trouble of sleeving that barrel it was because it could really...
  20. DT Guy

    CZ Shadow 2 - what would you do?

    If in doubt-wait. I gave my youngest a CZ SAO that was tuned within an inch of its life when he graduated Ranger selection-absolutely no regrets about that, of course. I've been looking for another for years, and they're difficult to find any ANY price, much less one I'm willing to pay. Larry