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  1. M

    Are Standard Cap Mag Bans Vulnerable to Challenge?

    Are standard capacity magazine bans vulnerable to be challenged under the "common use" model? Since the most common weapons of our time use 15, 20, and 30 round mags, aren't they protected under Heller and not subject to being banned?
  2. M

    House passes H.R. 6691

    House passes H.R. 6691 would remove D.C.'s ability to regulate guns Can it really be true? I wonder if the Senate will jump on this and get it to Bush for a signature before November? dead link...
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    Best deal on quality 223?

    I've been searching here but no luck. Maybe my search terms? I'm looking for a deal on about 1-2K rounds of .223 for AR use (1 in 9 twist) I'm currently zeroed for 55 gr USA ball. I have a few hundred rounds of that left, but would consider something better. Also, if there is anything...
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    Time to fire up the militia. What's it going to look like today?

    And not some half-baked, fringe element for the liberals to throw eggs at, either. I'm talking the real deal here. Well regulated, well trained, well armed, and legitimate. Once organized, trained, and equipped, this militia could place itself voluntarily, at it's own discretion, in the...
  5. M

    We all want to protect life

    All the fear about law abiding folks packing pistols is sad commentary on the trust we have for our fellow citizen. I do understand that if one hasn't been exposed to the actual mindset of the millions of us who do "carry" on daily basis, that it may be almost impossible for some to imagine...
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    What "reasonable restrictions" should we accept for full auto

    First, I am of the opinion that an M16 or similar weapon ought to be the MOST protected arm, because absent this right, the ability to intimidate a government gone truly awry would be severely diminished. That said, my standard for what constitutes a truly tyrannical government is very high...
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    Just sent this to my Senator

    Dear Senator, I am a Las Vegas resident and the Musical Director for the headliner act: "deleted to protect privacy of my employer". I am writing because I am very concerned about the actions of the D.C. local government who, in response to D.C. vs. Heller, are apparently thumbing their...