$10/50 - 9mm

If you bought stuff right before Xmas in store, every receipt came with a $10 off $50 coupon. I ended up with 2 coupons. What sucked was I went in on the 26th and they were all out of Monarch and didn't think they would go more so I bought a 200rd box of Winchester. Stopped back a few days later to use the last coupon and they were unloading cases of Monarch. I swear the last time I bought the 9mm it was Made In Serbia not Turkey
They seem to rotate suppliers and they vary on bullet weight and manufacturer. The last 115 gr I got was CBC from Brazil. I have some (yet to be tested) 124 gr Turkish (BPS headstamp, ironically) and older stuff and some rifle loads are PPU from Serbia. I always pick up a case when they run the brass ammo at that price.

The internal packaging can be annoying and deeply confusing, but at that price you can just dump it in a bag if you are bothered.
I don't much about Monarch Ammo. Is it supposed to be good? I had some steel cased Monarch 223 ammo given to me because the original owner said it would not cycle in his AR, and I have a 223 bolt action he thought i could shoot it in. But I have never shot what he gave me.
There is also threads that say it is made in Russia, Serbia just about anywhere??

Too bad it's 115 gr. I don't have much use for supersonic 9mm ammo.

I buy almost all ammo through Outdoor Limited or AE Ammo these days. Targetsports USA used to be great, but they've had crap for inventory and higher prices the last couple years.
Well I shall see how it does Friday in my RXM and TP9SF. Academy just opened near me recently so bought 600 rounds earlier today. Can’t be any worse than white box.
I have shot some of it, mostly 9mm but a little 380 too. It's fine for plinking cans, rocks and steel and I have never had one to fail to fire. No split cases or bulged primers either.
I’m beating it, but not by much.
Same. But I’m still using .03-.05 primers from before the latest insanity. Paying 8 or 10 cents for a primer plus 12-15 cents for a plated or very cheap jacketed bullet plus a couple cents for pre-panic powder and you’re already well over $.20/rd
RMR’s Idaho Silver bullets at $0.10 each delivered with a discount code and pre-Covid CFE Pistol and current Titegroup or SW Cleanshot powder is the only way I’ve managed. I had a good run on $0.065 primers for a while too.

I generally don’t load 115 FMJ, as my pistols seem to prefer heavier bullets. I can match that price with 147’s but can’t beat it. However, no factory loads I’ve tried match my hand loads for accuracy, so I’m not too torn up about it.
Nice price but I need 124gr as I have plenty of 115 for the wife to shoot. Academy had 124g S&B awhile back for a fair price and I bought a bunch. That 20 buck gift card they are offering with a 100 buck ammo purchase is tempting...