2025 Hunting Pictures

Luckily fibulas heal fairly quickly. Some football players actually play with fractured fibulas. You'll be up and around in no time.

BTW, how did you break it in the water? 🤔
Luckily fibulas heal fairly quickly. Some football players actually play with fractured fibulas. You'll be up and around in no time.

BTW, how did you break it in the water? 🤔
It ain’t the fibula that’s the problem that’s just the icing on the cake. I’ve got a full spiral fracture of the tibia that’s the one that’s got me down.

So I was body surfing in some fairly large waves and got rolled by a really big one and got slammed into the bottom and my leg hit a rock. Snapped it instantly.
IMG_5675.jpeg IMG_5677.jpeg Late doe season is on, but I don’t think I’m going to get back out again.

I got my coyote medicine sorted out today! Those buggers are REALLY getting nuts! I watched 6or8 of them running in a pack taking down a full sized healthy deer… well, interrupted them…
It ain’t the fibula that’s the problem that’s just the icing on the cake. I’ve got a full spiral fracture of the tibia that’s the one that’s got me down.
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So I was body surfing in some fairly large waves and got rolled by a really big one and got slammed into the bottom and my leg hit a rock. Snapped it instantly.
I would have instinctually produced valgarities at the top of my lungs, which would have immediately been backfilled with water. Congrats on not doing what I would do because you lived to tell the tale.
Not the best picture by a long shot but I declare the hunting year 2025 officially open. A decent doe this time, probably 2.5 years old and surprisingly nice body mass. It's much bigger than it looks from this angle, compare to the standard size shipping pallet in the background for reference. A great score for meat.

We've been shooting bucks of similar age lately and it was amazing how much softer the chest and ribcage were to cut through.

One more tag to fill with an option to yet another, the last day of the season is February 15th so there's almost six weeks left.

Killed my third deer of the year this morning. We’ve got a giant one horned spike we call Uno. He’s at least a five year old. Been trying to shoot him all season. We’ve got a couple other one horned spikes running around that are younger deer though, and telling them apart in low light is difficult. Anyway, Uno stepped out this morning right at legal light and he has never made a habit of sticking around the feeder very long, so I took the shot pretty quickly. Turns out, Uno still lives. One of the younger one horned spikes took a 143 grain ELD-X through both shoulders at 110 yards. Bang! Flop! Done. Winchester Model 70 EW in 6.5 PRC.

I’m not proud of shooting that little fella, but I’m not ashamed of it either. I’ll just be more careful next time.
Killed my third deer of the year this morning. We’ve got a giant one horned spike we call Uno. He’s at least a five year old. Been trying to shoot him all season. We’ve got a couple other one horned spikes running around that are younger deer though, and telling them apart in low light is difficult. Anyway, Uno stepped out this morning right at legal light and he has never made a habit of sticking around the feeder very long, so I took the shot pretty quickly. Turns out, Uno still lives. One of the younger one horned spikes took a 143 grain ELD-X through both shoulders at 110 yards. Bang! Flop! Done. Winchester Model 70 EW in 6.5 PRC.

I’m not proud of shooting that little fella, but I’m not ashamed of it either. I’ll just be more careful next time.
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How do you like that Winchester? I was looking at one in 6.5 PRC a while back.
How do you like that Winchester? I was looking at one in 6.5 PRC a while back.
I’m a fan thus far. I had one in 270 Win a while back that I sold and regretted selling. I’ve only got twenty five rounds or so through this 6.5 PRC. Accuracy with the Hornady ELD-X is plenty acceptable for hunting. Right at 1 MOA. I definitely have not spent enough time behind it to give you a full review of it.
Just returned from 5 day goose/duck hunt in Missouri. We got out Tuesday, just as the lock in was happening. Great trip, but geeze, cold. Monday morning real feel was 4, with spitting flurries.


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Lucky devil! I don't know if I could stand the cold but I would LOVE to have a chance at the white fronts (specklebellies). 🥺
Fortunately in the pit blinds we have buddy heaters and you’re out of the wind. But yes, the real feel Monday morning was 4 degrees. Winds were gusting upwards of 25mph out of the north. That storm front that moved in was brutal.


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I've been seeing coyotes on the ranch lately.

I took note of times and most likely routes.

This evening I went out and posted up behind a dirt mound.

Long story short, I had the right trail but I was looking the wrong direction haha.

When I became aware of the pair of coyotes behind me, I slithered around the dirt mound and setup my shot. About 100 yards, maybe a touch under. Good sized male. The other one took off faster than I could get another shot.


Killed a doe this morning with my new 45-70. Been itching to shoot something since I got it. That Underwood +P stuff loaded with the 300 grain Hornady Interlock did a number on her at 30 yards. Broke the facing shoulder and exited just behind the off side shoulder. I actually recovered the bullet in the dirt just behind her which was pretty cool. Also got the whole thing on video which I haven’t done in a while. Good morning in the deer woods. That Underwood stuff makes one heck of a fireball too.

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Dropped another coyote this morning.

Was out feeding cattle and of in the distance (600+ yards) I saw a rock that didn't belong.

Got the binoculars on it and confirmed it was a coyote.

Figured he'd be there for a minute so when we got back to the ranch, I went looking.

Long story short, I couldn't see him laying down in the short grass until about 60 yards away. I was creeping as close as I could until he heard me break a twig.

Took my shot. It slumped. Headshot.

I don't expect to see any more for a while but you never know.
