.30 Super Carry subsonic loads


Aug 11, 2005
Elbert County, CO
As most here know, suppressors are my game (and my career), so naturally I'm always threading everything and trying to find good subsonic loads. The latter is easy with manual action guns, but a bit trickier for autoloaders if you want them to function-especially in calibers for which heavy bullet options don't exist!

The heaviest commercial pistol bullets in .312" .32 cal handgun diameter are 115 gr, which the .30 SC usually drives at around 1,150 FPS

Going heavier means trying to use rifle bullets, but of course they are far too long. After considering many options, I decided to order some Berry's .308" 150 gr. round shoulder bullets:

As is, they still are too long, but taking .1" off the nose gives a pistol-bullet type profile at 140 grains, leaving enough room for a small powder charge without exceeding the 1.169 max OAL.




I'll have to find a more efficient way to do this, of course, but it only took about 15 minutes to truncate 50 bullets on the Hardinge HLV with a 6 jaw chuck, so works for now.

Next question was will the S&W Shield EZ stabilize the long, heavy, undersize bullets. The answer is yes, they actually proved to be quite accurate, and showed plenty of rifling engagement.


CAUTION: The following includes loading data that is not currently published for this cartridge and produces unknown pressure. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Neither the writer, The High Road, nor the staff of THR assume any liability for any damage or injury resulting from use of this information.

Working up loads using heavy-for-caliber bullets that seriously encroach on case capacity is always a little unsettling, so I start pretty dang light. The first few I tried slower powder, Accurate #7. I'm not even going to bother with how much, as even the compressed charges still barely got 700 FPS and left a bunch of unburned powder in the suppressor.

Obviously getting into our 950-1,050 FPS target zone means faster powders. So next I tried Winchester 244 with charge weights and resulting average velocities as follows:

2.6 gr, 645 FPS

2.8 gr, 701 FPS

3.0 gr. 747 FPS

3.2 gr., 852 FPS

3.4 gr., 907 FPS

I stopped there for now, as the 3.4 gr load left primer cratering slightly in excess of what I see with the factory Federal 100 gr loads, so I'm going to evaluate my powder options and probably try something a little slower, as I do want to be around 1,000. ~1,000-1,020 would be equivalent to typical 9x19mm 147 gr loads in terms of muzzle energy.

Loading these bullets to an OAL of 1.155" did not cause any case bulging, which sometimes happens trying to stuff long, heavy bullets deep enough into straight wall pistol cases.

I will update this post as I develop different loads, but I wanted to go ahead and get this out there for those who may be looking for a heavy bullet option to develop their own sub loads. Yeah, it's a little bit of work, and would rather suck to try to shorten those bullets without a lathe, but it's doable, and the important part is that, at least in the S&W pistol, they do stabilize and shoot well!




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While you have that bullet chucked up in your lathe you might bring forward a static drill bit and sacrifice a few grains to spin a little hollow point into the lead 🤔
While you have that bullet chucked up in your lathe you might bring forward a static drill bit and sacrifice a few grains to spin a little hollow point into the lead 🤔

Thought about it. But first I need to get the load worked out, then I can order up some ballistic gel and find out if making them HP will actually result in expansion.

If it does, I'll make a tool bit that trims them to length and bores the hollow point in one shot.
Seems like you get enough pressure to obturate the base anyway. Otherwise, you might need to take a .321 rifle bullet and swage it down in some kind of Lee push through sizer to get close to or right at .312".

What is the length of your bullet once cut back in the lathe?

I'm still coming to terms with the fact that "Mach 4 Shooter" is a sub-sonic enthusiast.
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Thought about it. But first I need to get the load worked out, then I can order up some ballistic gel and find out if making them HP will actually result in expansion.

If it does, I'll make a tool bit that trims them to length and bores the hollow point in one shot.
you do decibel readings? would love to know how your load compares to my load
What is the length of your bullet once cut back in the lathe?

Right at .75".

I'm still coming to terms with the fact that "Mach 4 Shooter" is a sub-sonic enthusiast.

Well, when I registered the account almost 20 years ago, I had just got my .17 Remington and was all about it!

Incidentally, that round actually suppresses quite well. Itty bitty aerodynamic bullets at 4,300 FPS don't have much sonic crack.
CAUTION: The following includes loading data that is not currently published for this cartridge and produces unknown pressure. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Neither the writer, The High Road, nor the staff of THR assume any liability for any damage or injury resulting from use of this information.

Tried the Winchester 572 today, that went better. I did loads at 3.6, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2 & 4.4 grains. We had some oddness where the 4.2s were slower than the 4.0s, but the 4.4 gr load was better. Still had 39 FPS ES, but averaged 981 FPS and primers looked no worse than the top win 244 load.

I'm gonna try 4.5, but if that's too spicy, 4.4 was close enough to the target velocity and did cycle the gun with rigid mounted TLX, which has been hit or miss with factory ammo that was developing more muzzle energy than these loads.

Also played with a new .50 Beowulf load, and got reliable cycling with slightly modified 700 gr WFNGC hardcasts loaded to 904 FPS average from the 10.5" AR barrel. That's a thumper! And through our Caoga prototype suppressor and gas adjusted, actually very pleasant, surprisingly better to my ears than I've achieved with .300 blk. The bullet modification was putting a slight chamfer on the bullet nose to get reliable feeding, as the WFNGC tended to run into the frame below the feed ramp and hang. I haven't weighed the modified bullets, but I think I probably took them down to about ~685 gr.

I prefer not to run cast bullets through sealed cans, but they are gas checked, and it's not like .50 Beowulf is gonna be seeing thousands of rounds as a 5.56 gun would, either. They're expensive to feed! I'd love to take this on a hog hunt, though. I don't think there's a pig big enough to stop that slug, even at these sedate velocities.
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I'll have to find a more efficient way to do this, of course, ..

Take a piece of steel and drill it out almost to the depth you want it then plunge a 2 flute 5/16 end mill to the depth you want the length of the bullet. Drop the bullet base down in the blind hole and hold it up against a belt sander until the tip is gone, dump it out, drop another in there and repeat.
If I use a 3.68" barrel, a 0.75" projectile @ 140 grains, loaded to an COAL of 1.155" and I ask QL for 1020 fps, these are the reasonable (not way overpressure or way over capacity) results I get back ...

Cartridge          : .30 S Carry
Bullet             : .308, 140gr Custom FP (0.75")
Useable Case Capaci: 5.046 grain H2O = 0.328 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 1.155 inch = 29.34 mm
Barrel Length      : 3.7 inch = 93.5 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Muzzle Velocity: 1020 fps or 310 m/s

Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Alliant BULLSEYE                   107.0      3.3     0.21    1020   100.0    55285    4682   0.413  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Accurate No.5                       86.1      4.1     0.27    1020    97.6    51098    5397   0.423  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant POWER PISTOL               109.9      4.1     0.26    1020    94.5    46327    5888   0.436  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot True Blue                   89.9      4.2     0.28    1020    99.8    54646    4951   0.415  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Winchester WAP                      98.7      4.0     0.26    1020   100.0    56049    4675   0.411  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon Longshot                    90.9      4.3     0.28    1020    99.7    53877    4998   0.417  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Ramshot Silhouette                  98.5      4.0     0.26    1020   100.0    56180    4656   0.411  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon HS-6                        94.7      4.4     0.28    1020    99.0    53758    5100   0.417  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

No.5 might be the ticket. No telling how accurate this simulation is given the ... weirdness.
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If I use a 3.68" barrel, a 0.75" projectile @ 140 grains, loaded to an COAL of 1.155" and I ask QL for 1020 fps, these are the reasonable (not way overpressure or way over capacity) results I get back ...

Cartridge          : .30 S Carry
Bullet             : .308, 140gr Custom FP (0.75")
Useable Case Capaci: 5.046 grain H2O = 0.328 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 1.155 inch = 29.34 mm
Barrel Length      : 3.7 inch = 93.5 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Muzzle Velocity: 1020 fps or 310 m/s

Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Accurate No.5                       86.1      4.1     0.27    1020    97.6    51098    5397   0.423  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant POWER PISTOL               109.9      4.1     0.26    1020    94.5    46327    5888   0.436  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot True Blue                   89.9      4.2     0.28    1020    99.8    54646    4951   0.415  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Winchester WAP                      98.7      4.0     0.26    1020   100.0    56049    4675   0.411  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon Longshot                    90.9      4.3     0.28    1020    99.7    53877    4998   0.417  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Ramshot Silhouette                  98.5      4.0     0.26    1020   100.0    56180    4656   0.411  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Hodgdon HS-6                        94.7      4.4     0.28    1020    99.0    53758    5100   0.417  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

No.5 might be the ticket. No telling how accurate this simulation is given the ... weirdness.

Thanks for running that! I keep meaning to order Quickloads. Is Win 572 not selectable?

Power Pistol seems like a good candidate with the lower pressure, but would clearly be a compressed load, and given it's burn rate being very close to Win 244, I'm not sure that'll play out in reality.

I have some BE86 and CFE pistol on order, we'll give those a try when they get here. They're really close to Accurate #5, which I don't have. 2, 7 & 9, but no 5 on hand.

Take a piece of steel and drill it out almost to the depth you want it then plunge a 2 flute 5/16 end mill to the depth you want the length of the bullet. Drop the bullet base down in the blind hole and hold it up against a belt sander until the tip is gone, dump it out, drop another in there and repeat.

An elegantly simple solution, but given my capability, I was thinking more like I'll CNC machine a bore in a block to exactly fit the bullet profile with .1" of the nose sticking out and then use a lever actuated blade to shear them.
An elegantly simple solution, but given my capability, I was thinking more like I'll CNC machine a bore in a block to exactly fit the bullet profile with .1" of the nose sticking out and then use a lever actuated blade to shear them.

You could always collate the bullets and then send them one by one under the blade. Kind of like my case cutting test bed I used to figure out what blade I wanted to use for the final product.

Thanks for running that! I keep meaning to order Quickloads. Is Win 572 not selectable?

No Win 572 in QL. Powders are limited to what data is shared with Hartmut.

I'm wondering if that 40% nitroglycerin content helps Power Pistol get there at lower pressure. Bullseye at 3.3 grains worked as well but was at 55.3Kpsi. Looks like I accidentally trimmed it from the result set. I'll put it back.

If you allow for a COAL of 1.165" and shoot for 1000fps, the pressures drop a bit. I assume that flat nose you're making keeps you from going with max OAL ... a feeding issue perhaps.
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Just gonna throw it out there, if it's any help, mattsbullets.com has 120s for the .312, plenty of folks run em in the .327fm, but I'm not familiar enough with the sc to say they'll do what you want.
Take a piece of steel and drill it out almost to the depth you want it then plunge a 2 flute 5/16 end mill to the depth you want the length of the bullet. Drop the bullet base down in the blind hole and hold it up against a belt sander until the tip is gone, dump it out, drop another in there and repeat.
A classic Jig! Nice