40 S&W Glock Model Advice

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LV Gun

Feb 8, 2014
Las Vegas NV
I am looking to buy another 40 S&W gun there are not to many manufacturers making them right now , I know the 40 is not as popular as it once was but I like the cartridge and have a Springfield XD 4 inch barrel in 40 now.
I was on Glocks website and seen these two that are of interest to me I have never owned one but have shot them , I like full size guns and long barrels other than one being a Long Slide and the other having a5.31 inch barrel what is the biggest difference between these two?

I am not looking at doing any competition shooting with them I just don’t know a lot about Glocks.

I just want to know the differences between these two good, bad or ugly before I consider buying one , so any insight on these two would be appreciated, please keep replies on subject I have looked at everything else. Thank you, Fred

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other than one being a Long Slide and the other having a5.31 inch barrel what is the biggest difference between these two?

Barrel Length will be your only difference as with most Glocks. 24's are fairly rare, your much more apt to find a 35. I personally like the 35/34 sized glocks the most out of their lineup.
The 24 (40S&W) and 17L (9mm) were the two original long slide Glocks. The 34 (9mm) and 35 (.40S&W) were slightly scaled back to meet IDPA size restrictions.

Other than the slide/barrel length, there are no differences between the 24 & 35. Both should have the extended slide stop lever and the "competetion" trigger.

There's some velocity difference due to the longer barrel, but I doubt it's significant. You could probably poke around and get some idea of that difference from folks who have done chronograph testing.

If you're just planning to have fun with these at the range, then I don't think it makes any difference. Get the one you like.

The G24 and G17L pistols are usually made in limited runs, so you may not always be able to find one easily. The 34 and 35 should be available all the time.

If you think you might ever put a red dot sight on the pistol, consider looking into the MOS versions.
The Glock 24 is certainly less seen. Rare isn't the right word when talking about Glocks but I think I gave the idea.
In my opinion, between the two, the 35 is much more versatile. The choice also depends on what you want to use it for: if you want a range toy and get maximum bullet speed then maybe the 24 is better. It also depends on whether you prefer the Gen3 or Gen4 grip. In any case, whichever one I would choose, I would also purchase an aftermarket .357Sig barrel, if it exists.
G35 MOS, G17L MOS, or G34 MOS are what you want. G24 are unicorn or hen's teeth scarce so cross that one off yer list.
The Glock 24 is certainly less seen. Rare isn't the right word when talking about Glocks but I think I gave the idea.
In my opinion, between the two, the 35 is much more versatile. The choice also depends on what you want to use it for: if you want a range toy and get maximum bullet speed then maybe the 24 is better. It also depends on whether you prefer the Gen3 or Gen4 grip. In any case, whichever one I would choose, I would also purchase an aftermarket .357Sig barrel, if it exists.
What is the difference in the Gen 3 and Gen 4 grip is it just the back strap inserts are interchangeable?
A G24 is on my list. I've only ever seen one for sale in real life and they aren't that abundant on Gunbroker. A G35 was the first Glock I ever bought, it's the one I've shot the most and shoot the best of my Glocks. You could always get a G40 and shot .40 on occasion with 10mm
What is the difference in the Gen 3 and Gen 4 grip is it just the back strap inserts are interchangeable?
The finger grooves profile is the same but the grip texture is completely different between the Gen3 and Gen4. As far as I know you can't use Gen4 back strap inserts on Gen3 pistols.
The trigger reach on the Gen4 pistol is shorter than the trigger reach on the Gen3. To have the same trigger reach between the two generation you have to put the smaller back strap on the Gen4.
The magazine release is bigger on the Gen4 and it is switchable for lefties while in the Gen3 it is not.
The recoil spring assembly is different. In the Gen3 it is a single captive flat coil spring while in the Gen4 is a dual (or triple?) captive round coil springs.
I prefere the Gen3 pistols over the Gen4 ones because there are more plastic meat in the dust cover and in the "recoil buffer" of the frame. There is also more steel meat in the front of the slide where the recoil spring assembly sits. Maybe it is just my opinion but I feel the Gen3 more robust in the departments mentioned above.
The Glock 35 exists also in the Gen3 version while the Glock 24 doesn't exist in the Gen4 version.
My suggestion is to go to some local gun shops and see which grip you like better between the Gen3 and Gen4 full size 9mm or .40 Glocks.
i,v have a police trade in #22 in .40 s&w for many years with out any problems at all, it,s my car pistol with two extra magizines. it was in ex condition with only a little wear of the slide release, i think a desk jocky officer had it. i,ll admit i have only fired about 300 rounds over the years.
@LV Gun Here's my advice: buy a 10mm Glock 40, buy a .40 S&W aftermarket barrel for a Glock 40, and some Glock 22 mags and enjoy your new pistol that can shoot both .40 and 10mm.

I'm not saying the 24 or 35 are bad pistols, but after getting a 9mm barrel for the 35, I rarely shoot .40 in it anymore and would prefer to shoot .40 in the 10mm Glock 40 for when I don't have the time or interest in reloading 10mm, which I won't until large pistol primers come down in price to match the small pistol primers.
DON'T shoot 40's in 10's! Revolvers are ok, but not semi-autos! That being said, I did shoot a 357sig in a 40 once. And actually hit the target at 50 yards.

I own 7 Glocks that list of all full size, 17, 31, 22, 20. 40, 21 & 41 of all being gen4's. Fan of finger grooves!

Minimal different between the 2 you posted as it comes down to length and weight. Neither state "MOS", so no optic mounting unless you mill the slide or remove rear sight for a dovetail mount. Triggers are the same. Sight radius is another difference. If you find the comp model you can get a longer barrel for it to have threads or ports beyond the slide or keep it plain. Kinda like a longslide plus as some offer up to 9" barrels.
Too much more to list for now
The best improvement I noticed with the Gen 3 G23 was switching to a different frame. I went with an 80% Strike 80 frame. The Strike 80 has been unavailable for about 4 years now. But you can get a serialized version from SCT Mfg. The SCT-19 is just a 100% finished version of the old 80% Strike 80 frame.

I might have to try a G23 slide on one of my Lone Wold Distributing frames and see how that is. The LWD frames are also smaller than OEM Glock frames in the grip area.
Two months ago I picked up a police trade in G22 Gen4 with bright night sights for $300 OTD. It doesn't appear to have ever been shot. I paid $150 for a 9mm conversion barrel. That might not be exactly what you're looking for, but if you can find a deal like that you might decide you can live with it.

I've never seen a 40 S&W that was particularly accurate compared to 9mm or 45. This one is no exception. Mine is considerably more accurate with the 9mm barrel.
I want to give out a big THANK YOU to all of you that have replied to my Post on Glocks it has been very informative and insightful for me and has helped greatly. While I was at the range this afternoon a guy was shooting 4 lanes down from me he had a G35 Competition G4 in 40 S&W I was asking him about it and he let me shoot a mag full of 40’s I really liked it the only thing that felt different was the grip angle but that I can get used to . I have 4 - 1911’s and 2 XD’s so i think that is why it has a different feel to me. I also reached out to one of our indoor ranges they have the two models I am looking at as rentals so I am going to get there this week to try them out and then make a decision if I want to get into a Glock .

Again Thank you to all of you that replied to my post.
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