44 in the thicket

Any excuse to get out of the house. And the short overall length of that single shot makes it a good choice for that terrain.
Wandered in the pine thicket and "non productive" shouldn't be in the same sentence ;)
Looks like a great walk if the scenery is anything to go by, and that Scout looks like a great woods gun to boot! I handled a CVA Scout in 350 Legend at a pawnshop while living in VA. The trigger pull was the cleanest I've felt in a good while, comparable to a muzzleloader with a set trigger. I'm torn between getting one in 357 mag, .44 mag, or 45-70 govt.
Soon as I first saw this thread title a few weeks ago, I knew there was a pic of my .44 cal. CVA "posing" in the thick stuff here on the computer. Had to finish up late muzzle loader season first and got busy with other stuff and finally got some free time. Here's the CVA Scout V2 in .444 Marlin back in the thicket. IMG_1404.JPG ... It was an unproductive season for this one, too. Although I did pass up a shot on a big doe from our elevated box blind because it was snowing hard, my target was across a steep gully, and I didn't feel like field dressing it in the dark, ( had about 10 minutes of faint, overcast daylight left ), and dragging uphill in a heavy snowstorm at night. I'm getting too old for that hard core stuff. That dim light was the perfect test for the illuminated reticle on that scope, too. Even though I didn't take the shot, my sight picture was superb with that dark deer silhouetted against the snow on the far side of the gully, and my reticle easily visible. IMG_1410.JPG ..It was still memorable and exciting.