i have a marlin 45/70 guide gun. light,short, nice little gun. but it kicks like an ornery old mule! i think it kicks harder than my 300 win mag to be honest. i have been thinking of a muzzle brake, or magna-porting it since the first time i shot it. this past weekend, i put 40 hunting loads through it (see post "beat up") anyway, i have a couple of questions about this. i know it will reduce the recoil, at the expense of sound. how loud is it going to be??? will i need hearing protection to hunt? i am not concerned while target shooting, i always use hearing protection when i am doing that. i just don't want to hurt my ears for the rest of my life by shooting a couple of deer or elk. also, if anybody has experience with this, i wonder how much difference there is between magna-porting and a traditional muzzle brake, both noise wise, and recoil reduction. any REAL WORLD advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks.