S&W Scadium Commander in Mitch Rosen Premier Express OWB holster.
I carry a .45 Commander sized 1911 design. I have one in lightweight and one in all steel. If I am going to be very active, I carry the lightweight model. In either case, they are carried in a Milt Sparks VM II IWB. Been carrying concealed for over a quarter century, and this is so far the most comfortable holster I've tried. All day carry is no problem, and I usually don't even feel the gun there on my hip. Concealment is excellent with an untucked shirt or a light jacket and a tucked shirt.Just wondering how many carry a .45 for a concealed carry piece. I usually carry a .38 snub but am toying around with carrying the .45 If you carry a .45, what holster have you found works the best for you??
For the life of me I cannot understand why some of you guys make the statement " when I do carry" I have been of the opinion that if you can carry, please, do carry, just my .02