9mm Conversion Barrel Options


Oct 10, 2020
I’m looking for a 9mm conversion barrel for a Glock 22 to take advantage of the cheaper and more plentiful ammo. What are some good options? I’m currently looking most at the threaded version at Brownells. A threaded barrel is preferred but not absolutely required.
Lone Wolf, Apex, Bear Creek Arsenal, and KKM are the ones I’m familiar with, as I’ve looked for a Match 9mm for my M&P9 in the past. I shoot a mixture of cast & coated and jacketed bullets, and the original Glock barrels are not compatible with C&C from what I’ve heard/read.
I got an Aim Surplus conversion barrel for my Glock 23 for $40 and it works great.
I did the same for the Glock 22 .40 trade in I picked up.

IMG_0720.jpeg IMG_0721.jpeg

I also put in a 9mm extractor. It probably isn’t needed as a lot of guys report good luck with the .40 extractor, but they are cheap and easy to install si when I replaced the extractor spring I changed it out.

Stay safe.
I’m looking for a 9mm conversion barrel for a Glock 22 to take advantage of the cheaper and more plentiful ammo. What are some good options? I’m currently looking most at the threaded version at Brownells. A threaded barrel is preferred but not absolutely required.
Currently using a Glockstore "Double Diamond" forty to nine conversion barrel in my G27. Works fine, drop in.
On an off-whim I tried a Bear Creek barrel, all my bullets went thru the target sideways. I didn't try to measure anything, just got a return authorization and sent it back. Replacement barrel they sent me did the same. They reimbursed my money when I sent the 2nd barrel back.
I ended up going with a barrel from Brownells. I got a threaded barrel and thread protector. I sorta feel like it should come with one but it’s not a huge deal. It fits tight, cycles dummy rounds and seems like it will work. I also plunk tested some of my reloaded 9mm and it seems to fit all of them. It was raining today and my son was sick this morning so we haven’t tried it out yet with live ammo.
All in the luck of the draw. I just received a bear creek 40 to 9 barrel. Wasn't expecting a lot didn't pay a lot. Functioned 100% and to my surprise shot some impressive groups with my reloads .
I ended up going with a barrel from Brownells. I got a threaded barrel and thread protector. I sorta feel like it should come with one but it’s not a huge deal. It fits tight, cycles dummy rounds and seems like it will work. I also plunk tested some of my reloaded 9mm and it seems to fit all of them. It was raining today and my son was sick this morning, so we haven’t tried it out yet with live ammo.
I bought a Lone Wolf 40 to 9mm a while back and it has the tightest chamber/shortest throat of all the 9mm guns I own.
It is now my go to plunk test barrel for any new 9mm reloads I work up.
I plunk tested the Brownells barrel with my 147 grain XTP load. It’s only 1.1” long so it’s probably not the best for judging the chamber.
We finally got to try it out today. I shot about every kind of 9mm I had in the closet. It likes my new MBC 125 grain LSWC load pretty well. Also some 135 gr LRN and my all around favorite the 147 gr XTP. It’s not really a fan of the 147 gr RMR Heavy Match Winner IMG_0366.jpeg
Congrats on getting a barrel that likes at least some of your ammo.

Most barrels seem to work most of the time, but it seems like few if any brands of reasonable priced 9mm barrels are "certain" to do what you want all of the time.

The SAAMI specs for chamber / throat dimensions are probably a big contributor to this situation. With the popularity of powder coated commercial cast bullets and 147ngr bullets, it is an absolute shame that no one has stepped up and figured out what a "better" spec would look like and push this info to the chamber reamer makers.

I have worked on the throat on more than a half dozen barrels to get consistent plunking with ammo that has bullets sized big enough to be uniformly "non-leading" in all of these guns. This overlaps with making it hard to have ammo that works in all of your guns. I just loaded a test batch of 50 rounds with GFL brass with my standard bullet. Sure enough, they will not pluck in the "tighter" guns. I will burn them up in my "looser" gun and quit trying to use GFL brass.
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It’s odd to me how one gun (Canik Mete SFX) can shoot the RMR Heavy Match Winner load so well then another gun (S&W M&P9) sprays them all over. The Glock barrel today did ok but the RMR HMW load was the one that opened things up from a 9-ring sized group into the 7-ring.

Likewise the M&P9, Canik, and the Glock barrel all shoot the Hornady 147 grain XTP very well. Settling on a common load would be nice, but if it were that easy hand loading wouldn’t be beneficial is suppose.
My handloads wouldn't 'plonk' in a G19.5 barrel, groused to the armorer at a Glock shoot, for no sympathy.
The OEM barrel was the same issue for my defensive ammo. No pressure signs, but really tough to clear a loaded round.
Replaced the OEM with a Swenson stainless example. Perfect fit, no cycling issues, and it shoots straight.
I'd like to revert to the OEM, but the defensive ammo issue keeps the Swenson in place.
With the price of primers, I've been shooting Blazer Brass, which isn't a problem in the factory barrel.
I bought a Lone Wolf six or eight years ago for my wife's G-23. It was a drop-in fit, worked fine with no problem, and is actually more accurate than the .40 S&W bbl. We had to buy a few 9mm mags, but found that they would also feed the original .40 S&W. Regards, Rod
Late to the party, but I'll respond any way for others who may have the same question as the OP.

Bar-Sto makes conversion barrels for Glocks.

Here's the list of barrels they make for the Glock 22.
My handloads wouldn't 'plonk' in a G19.5 barrel, groused to the armorer at a Glock shoot, for no sympathy.
The OEM barrel was the same issue for my defensive ammo. No pressure signs, but really tough to clear a loaded round.
Replaced the OEM with a Swenson stainless example. Perfect fit, no cycling issues, and it shoots straight.
I'd like to revert to the OEM, but the defensive ammo issue keeps the Swenson in place.
With the price of primers, I've been shooting Blazer Brass, which isn't a problem in the factory barrel.
You had factory defensive ammo that wouldn’t plunk in a factory Glock barrel? Or were they reloads as well?
You had factory defensive ammo that wouldn’t plunk in a factory Glock barrel? Or were they reloads as well?
Yep. Noticed I still had the aftermarket barrel in the G19.5 'house gun', stored with the original OEM barrel. I tried the defensive ammo (CorBon +P) in the OEM, and it wouldn't plonk. I'd fired the CorBons without drama, or pressure signs, but it was really tough to clear a loaded round (like leaning the rear sight against the workbench) from the original barrel.
Oddly enough, I've quit reloading 9s, (it's cheaper, unless assuming my time is free), and Blazer Brass 115 FMJs plonk just fine in the OEM barrel. Go figure.