A new rule for range etiquette.

Indoors, everything is loud.

You might not like the responses that you get, if you asked another person that question, while at an indoor range.

When I'm at the outdoor range and someone sets up next to me, I point at my 50 BMG rifle. I let them know that the blast from the muzzle brake, will blow their rifle off the bench. Most move a couple benches away for reasons.

Using double hearing protection is also a thing for indoor/outdoor shooting. Especially if you're around large caliber firearms.
I was unaware that a 50 BMG shooter and his entourage had set up on the bench to my left side, when he touched it off it did knock my ball cap off and the concussion straightened my collar, and I was glad I had plugs and muffs on. He should have given me a heads up, at the least he didn't have the funds to feed the big gun for too many rounds and I was glad when he and his gun bearers left.
I was unaware that a 50 BMG shooter and his entourage had set up on the bench to my left side, when he touched it off it did knock my ball cap off and the concussion straightened my collar, and I was glad I had plugs and muffs on. He should have given me a heads up, at the least he didn't have the funds to feed the big gun for too many rounds and I was glad when he and his gun bearers left.
I shoot a .50 BMG once, it’s something you MUST ANNOUNCE before lighting on off. Unless you were in the military with a M2, the concussion is not something you can just shrug off

Exactly, what if you didn’t have your hearing protection on. and some people can just be jerks too
As a volunteer RSO, I always tried to put the really obnoxious guns at the far end of the line, and keep the kids and new shooters as far away from them as possible.

Lots of new shooters don't know how to properly insert foam ear plugs. And many youth and women have ear canals that are too small for normal foamies. I've always got some youth-sized foamies for them, and have showed lots of new shooters how to get those foamies in properly.
Had a kid do that to me. He had a AR-pattern rifle in .308 (asked after) and told me it's loud. Indoor range so I'm wearing earplugs and muffs anyway, told him don't worry about it. We were the only folks in there and he was to the right. so not worried about his ejected cases. It was kinda noisy....

Good kid, talked with him a bit after we got done.

I've heard other medium- and high-powered rifles in there, but again plugs and muffs. Haven't seen a .50 cal yet....
If there is a new shooter or someone teaching a shooter close to me and I am shooting 357,44 magnum or 454 Casull I will let them know it is going to get Loud.
Especially the 454 with a 240 grain XTP bullet and 36.5 grains of W296/H110 and a SR primer things get extremely Loud.
1st Rule of Gun Range: NO CRYING ON THE GUN RANGE.
True, come prepared. My indoor range has a .44 Special limit. When I shoot my .357s people 4 stalls down will complain sometimes. The outdoor range has stalls with dividers so it makes things nice. If I'm shooting a break I will distance my self from others. At the same time you have to learn to tune things out and where good hearing protection. I see people at the indoor range with only foam plugs. All they had to do was ask at check in for some muffs to go along with them.
Occurs to me that shooters of such loud firearms should announce "Fire in the hole !" or something similar when they are ready to touch off a round so other shooters can brace themselves, maybe step back from their booths, wait until that shooter is done before trying a precision shot.

I don't shoot at public ranges except for matches but we always use "going hot" at our ranges.

I would expect lots of noise at any indoor range once I entered the last door to it from the lobby.
I have never been inside an indoor range. Until recently I found the 4 hour drive to get to and back home from the closest not to worth the time and expense required. Now there is one 20 miles away. The cost to use it and having to make an appointment to do so means I will likely never see the inside of it either.

When going to my gunclub to shoot I consider it to be my responsibility to protect my hearing.
At the same time, I don't see the point of a rifle of any kind at an indoor range. You could shoot Navy beans through a stove pipe and hit a paper target at most indoor range distances.
On another board a member complained of his bad experience with the 50 AE Desert Eagle-not firing one, but being present when one is fired. Occurs to me that shooters of such loud firearms should announce "Fire in the hole !" or something similar when they are ready to touch off a round so other shooters can brace themselves, maybe step back from their booths, wait until that shooter is done before trying a precision shot.
When I lived out West, e had a public range. The rifle range had 36 ambi concrete benches under cover. I was the first one there and took a spot on the very end (EARLY in the AM). A little later, another guy shows up; sets up on the bench right next to me and takes out a 338 with a muzzle brake. The concussion I felt (plugs AND muffs) was so bad, I stopped and stepped back to the back wall where you could sit. I waited for him to finish sighting - luckily it was only one box of shells - and after he left completed my load testing. He had 35 other benches spread out over at least 50 yards to choose from :mad::cuss::scrutiny:
It you think rifles are loud try artillery.:what:
My father served in the field artillery in the Aleutian campaign at the battle of Attu during WWII, he was with a 105mm gun unit, and his job was sighting in the piece, he related they were taught to keep their mouth open and their hands cupped over their ears when firing, it was supposed to equalize the pressure to keep from damaging the workings of the inner ear, it had minimal results as he had partial hearing problems the rest of his life.
On any range, there is camaraderie of a common hobby and always a supply of ignorant people. No one has the right to blow you belongings off of a shooting bench and no one has the right to be Karen Manbun. There are appropriate behaviors for both; recognition that you are present at a firearms range and also the recognition that other people are present. This is really easy stuff if everyone has awareness and common courtesy but I know, I know, that is asking a lot. And I love the range logic on this thread; you are driving on a highway, prepare yourself to get run over?????
One of our local indoor ranges allows rifles of up to .338 Lapua. (That has always seemed oddly specific to me, but I've never asked about it.) Few people see the point in bringing such things to an indoor range, but it does happen, and for a while I was in the habit of bringing a 4" .500 S&W just in case I needed to express my displeasure. One day someone did show up with a braked Magnum rifle, and so I dragged out the .500 and we more-or-less had at each other. That lasted maybe five minutes, and we emptied the place out. By the time we exited into the lobby, all the other shooters were standing around looking dazed, and I overheard some comment about "war crimes". A Bullseye acquaintance looked at us and said "If you two ***holes are all through I might go back in, but I'm not sure if there's much point any more today." He later told me that it looked like we were lobbing flash-bangs at each other, with big white gouts of light and concussions rocking the plexiglass.

I'm not sure that shouted warnings would have helped, or even been noticed. 😅