A powerful video about gun rights lost

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Yes. I seen this a long time ago.

The truely sad part is all this time later, nothing has changed. The British are still subjects rather than citizens, and many in our government would turn the USA into the same standard . The threat is real, and continuous.
Im convinced that if our forefathers had not put it in the bill of rights we would have been like the UK a long time ago. The second ammendment is probably the main thing we hold on to to secure our rights. The second ammendment is what finally broke the DC handgun ban. etc...

There are what I think our most important rights as American citizens. The right to vote in our officials and the right to own a gun. So if an American loses their right to own a gun they might as well have lost the citizenship. Like if someone forfeits there rights by commiting a felony. Its pretty similiar to living here on a visa. In the case of a felony it was probably deserved. But if it happens from legislation its just wrong and goes against what our founing fathers wanted for the American people.
One of my favorite novels is the British post-apocalyptic thriller No Blade of Grass, by the late John Christopher. The book was written in 1956, and the setting was contemporary for that period.

As society collapses and a few families join forces to flee London for the countryside, the only reason they are able to make a go of it is because one in their party is a gun store owner, and he is able to supply both firearms and his skill in their use.

It's sad to think that fifty years later, that novel wouldn't have made it past about the third chapter... :mad:

The sad thing is Britain once set the high standard for liberty in Europe. One of the most inspired thinkers of the Enlightenment, Voltaire, took up his intellectual pursuits after visiting England and witnessing, first hand, the relative freedom they enjoyed there. Our founding fathers took many of their political ideas from John Locke and the events surrounding William and Mary and the Glorious Revolution. Most American revolutionaries saw their cause as the extension of British ideals of liberty, not a departure from them. Our current political differences aside, I do feel sorry for the Brits with respect to their lost gun/hunting rights, and wish them well.
A very good video, I had no idea British subjects had this much passion for their rights (no offense meant). Although it is many years later, it gives hope.
Interesting that there are "those" in our own government that are pushing for a European/Socialized form of Centralized Big Brother Government right here in the good ol' USA. Can't overemphasize the importance of this coming November General Election.

Good timing for the thread as well as the NRA holds its National Convention is St. Louis this weekend.

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