I am getting the last pieces together to set up my new press and get to making ammo. My intention from the start was to keep it simple and use one powder for 357/41/44 magnum and one powder for 30-06 and 375 Ruger.
Initially I was looking at Winchester 296 and Hodgdon H110 because numbers. Then I reached out to you guys and you nudged me toward Alliant 2400. Here's the problem, there isn't any 2400 out there right now.
So for my pistol loading purposes, I can lay hands on Winchester 296 and Accurate 4100 right now. 296 will work for everything I want to do, but isn't very flexible and has a narrow load window. 4100 is a little more flexible, but there isn't as much data for it on the web as you can find for H110/296.
If the 4100 allows me to get within spitting distance of 296 for hot loads, and also gives me the ability to load milder if I want, that would be ideal. I'll be loading hard cast RNFP at 158gr/357, 215gr/41 and 240gr/44 and shooting them in both revolvers and lever guns. Outside the data published at Western Powder's website there isn't a lot of 4100 info out there, so I was hoping someone would read this who had some hands on with 4100 or AA9 which is kind of close to 4100. I appreciate it guys, thank you.
Initially I was looking at Winchester 296 and Hodgdon H110 because numbers. Then I reached out to you guys and you nudged me toward Alliant 2400. Here's the problem, there isn't any 2400 out there right now.
So for my pistol loading purposes, I can lay hands on Winchester 296 and Accurate 4100 right now. 296 will work for everything I want to do, but isn't very flexible and has a narrow load window. 4100 is a little more flexible, but there isn't as much data for it on the web as you can find for H110/296.
If the 4100 allows me to get within spitting distance of 296 for hot loads, and also gives me the ability to load milder if I want, that would be ideal. I'll be loading hard cast RNFP at 158gr/357, 215gr/41 and 240gr/44 and shooting them in both revolvers and lever guns. Outside the data published at Western Powder's website there isn't a lot of 4100 info out there, so I was hoping someone would read this who had some hands on with 4100 or AA9 which is kind of close to 4100. I appreciate it guys, thank you.