Another school shooting - Cold Spring MN

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Star Tribune today quotes a college professor:

McLaughlin is the son of a sheriff's deputy and a hunter. His apparent familiarity with guns means "they are lucky they did not lose more kids in Cold Spring," said Michael Obsatz, a sociology professor at Macalester College in St. Paul who specializes in bullying and school violence.

Grrrr. If only kids didn't KNOW about guns, they couldn't HURT anyone with them?


By the way, the gun used was a ".22-caliber semiautomatic pistol".

And from another story:
When asked whether the gun McLaughlin used might have belonged to his father [a Stearns County deputy sheriff], [state BCA investigator Tim] O'Malley said the weapon -- a .22-caliber Colt semiautomatic pistol -- isn't one typically issued to police.

That's not an answer. "Belonged to" is not the same as "issued to."

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