If you are completely set on having a gun with a real combloc barrel then your options become few and expensive. FIME Group still has the SGL-31 series of rifles that are based on Saigas, but those are now running over $1000. You can pick up an unconverted Saiga for around $500 and do some of the conversion work yourself, but 922r parts will drive the cost up.
Another option is the Vepr series of rifles. They are made in Russia like the Saiga's, but are based off of the RPK series of light machine guns. They come in a sporterized configuration but can be converted over to a pistol grip setup and to take hi-cap mags much the same as a Saiga. There are some non-standard parts though and not all AKM accessories will work with them.
I ended up getting a Waffen Werks AK74, but I purchased mine for $700 back before the great 2013 firearms panic when they were still using NDS receivers. It does have the U.S. made barrel, but it is chrome lined and since it's mainly a range toy it wasn't really a big enough issue to make me want to spend another $300 or so dollars to pick up an SGL 31 up at the time.