My EDC is 2 knives:
1. the folding Ritter Survival Knife (RSK) I linked in previous post
2. Leatherman New Wave multitool
Like someone posted before, the multitool gets extensive use, often when least expected. The folding survival knife is not used for anything but things the Wave can't handle. In other words, the RSK hasn't been used on anything yet. The RSK is robust, S30V steel, axis-locked, designed by a survival expert (Doug Ritter) for survival and made by a knife expert (Benchmade). It is similar to the Benchmade Griptillian but enhanced for survival functions. A Special Forces friend of mine carefully examined my RSK and said he would have no concerns using it for H2H--it's got the needed features for a combat knife.
If I am out in the field I also carry the USAF/Ontario Survival Knife (and sometime the longer, more bayonet/dagger-like Glock Survival Knife but only because I already spent my money on it and 2 is 1 and 1 is none). If you read Ritter's web pages on survival knives you'll see that he much prefers a fixed blade, but designed the folder with Benchmade because he didn't see any folders offered that met his criteria for a survival folder.
Ritter's Fixed Blade picks, with links to each (2004):
Ritter's Chapter on knives for pilots/survival (don't miss the chapter links at bottom of page, or just keep using the Next Page link at bottom of each page):
I hope this helps.