I am a PRO Constitution lady.
I think that the neo con artists who took over the Republican Party, well, I can't go THERE.
I think that the 'other side' who took over the Democrat Party, well, I can't go THERE.
I am Conservative - fiscally conservative BIG TIME. I am conservative in many issues because that is ME but liberal in others. I may not like your book or movie or art but I would not restrict your FREEDOM to read it. Don't use or WASTE my taxpayer money on such things too! You remember some famous art funded by TAX dollar money cases in those issues too. UGH.
I think that we waste too much money on STUPID stuff - PORK and on wars while we ignore real issues and SOLUTIONS. Ike warned us about the MIC and tons more. He was right. So was someone else about getting rid of the FEDERAL RESERVE. The corporations and their SHILLS have ruined BOTH parties along with their INFLUENCE in many, many issues vital to us and OUR ECONOMY. ALL issues including health issues.
I am a Christian but I don't SHOVE it down anyone's throat. I don't go to 'church' or belong to any specific 'religion' anymore because I think that most of them are apostate and IGNORE the real mission of the "Golden Rule' while they push candidates that are not really 'Christian' or Jew or Muslim or x, y or z religion but claim to be GOOD and snooker in the neo cons/rinos. I do READ my Bible and pray to God and I have read many religious books including some of the Koran - Qu'ran. I have friends in ALL religions or lack there of and we get along as in all nationalities. I cling to my guns, my Bible, other books and my own personal beliefs in MANY issues. Not always popular issues to Reps or Dems too! Ha!
I am a classic Libertarian in many, many ways - part conservative - part classic liberal in the sense that the government (Dems and Reps that ruined this Republic!) has no business in MY personal life as a married lady nor do they have any right to stick their stinking nose INTO YOUR LIFE or in anyone's private life as long as they are NOT hurting anyone even though I PERSONALLY DO NOT THINK OR BELIEVE as YOU DO or anyone else does NOR do I choose to LIVE MY LIFE the way some people do.
I know many old fashioned Dems who believe in MORE gun rights and ALL liberty issues as many so called neo con artists - cough. The ones who go on about gun rights but CAVE IN and COMPROMISE in other Constitutional issues and "RIGHTS"!
I know many REAL old fashioned Reps who are real PRO GUN people and who know that this country is screwed UP and how the 'Right Wing' was taken over or went WRONG. NO offense. They see how the Constitution has been shredded and/or perverted by BOTH parties.
I happen to think that BOTH parties stink. No offense.
My candidates usually do not make it because they believe in the Constitution and the rule of law - no bs politics. Legal immigration not illegal aliens and the companies that hire them.
Help the needy but don't give them a FREE ride for their entire life nor their offspring. I don't believe in welfare including CORPORATE welfare.
The tax system needs to be FIXED big time. BOTH parties have screwed that up.
The alphabet agencies need to be fixed or dumped down the toilet of no return.
The 'police state' needs to go back to the OLD WAY and become peace officers.
The borders need to be protected and laws enforced.
You do NOT have to always make more laws and more ACTS - try enforcing what is already on the BOOKS and/or go back to the basics!
You can be a REAL conservationist, support healthy living, healthy wildlife and elk, deer, moose, etc. herds and protect the land - most HUNTERS and FISHERMEN do this already.
The corporations and GREED have taken over BOTH parties and the R or D does not mean jack squat in this day and age.
Fiscal responsibility means something or should but we do not have it!
Putting America FIRST along with American workers should mean something but we got SCREWED by sell outs in BOTH parties.
They both lie and steal - both parties.
So, I am more of an Independent because the 'party' or parties LEFT me along with tons of other FED UP Americans.
"America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe
Catherine = PRO GUN and PRO LIBERTY
PS: They want to cause chaos, division and hate = BOTH parties and they pick one or two issues to do this. Most people FALL for it too. I see this all of the time. Most gun people are their own worst enemies. They will be pro gun and ignore ALL of the other issues which have taken away their LIBERTIES in many issues. They don't always put America FIRST - BOTH parties!