Anybody ever been bored...

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Yup, that's the same Walter Brend. I think I spent two-and-a-half or three on that older Brend/White Wolf auto.


That ugly knife is a Robbie Dalton "Scorpion"; the only OTF auto hawkbill I can think of. (I'm a sucker for funky blade shapes...)
This thread just keeps getting better,

How do y'all store your large collections? Do you still use the boxes, or a soft case? To save room in my safe, I'm using felt in a piece of clear tupperware. A quick glance through the top might help finding one amoungst the many. Not that I need it. :(

Have you made or considered a display case? A friend with a nice collection bought a used watch display case. It revolves in a merry-go-round configuration. :) Thanks, there's something about good quality knives! Tam, which of your collection takes the sharpest edge?
Found this on Hwy 101

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