Anyone prefer revolver sights over semi-auto sights?

Nov 26, 2022
I used to shoot a lot of revolver in the 80's. I changed over to a Sig P226 in '89 as I entered my LEO career and today carry a P229SAO.

Yesterday, I pulled my Python out of the safe for a trip to the range. Even though I have not shot much .357 in the last 35 years, I shot it better than a P229SAO that I put 2,000+ rounds of 9mm through this year alone. By better, I mean faster first shots and tighter groups. Follow-up shot times were slower than with the semi-auto, but still quite reasonable.

One big difference I noticed is my almost 60 year old eyes can see the sights on the Python (and my Anaconda) significantly better than I can see the sights on my Sigs or my Colt 1911.

It was an absolute pleasure to shoot revolver again. Maybe because it was different. Maybe because I did not start experiencing eye strain after the first half hour. Maybe because I just really like .357 mag.

Anyone else in the same boat with revolver sites? Anyone carrying 4" revolvers as a main defensive firearm?
Do you mean "sights"? A "site" is a place or location, like a website or construction site.

I think it depends on what type of sights the gun has. The sights on my BHP are Millett and very good for target shooting, much better than the fixed sights on my Model 58 revolver. Any of the target (adjustable) sights on my revolvers are better than the tiny post and notch on my RIA GI 1911. For that matter, the sights on all my other 1911's are better than what the RIA has, but aren't any better or worse than the adjustable sights on my revolvers.
All of my revolvers have adjustable sights while all of my semi-autos have fixed sights. so, for the most part, once I get the sights adjusted on my revolvers, my accuracy is consistently better with them, especially at distances farther than 40 yards.
You know I was at the range last week first time in months. I bought my sig P938 and my Ruger sp101 hands down the Ruger shot better so much that I'm really thinking of picking up one of the 4" version
I Like this rear sight type on all. 544392.jpg

Revolvers are at times, more accurate because of-
1 Better trigger.
2.Longer sigh radius.
3.No slop between slide & frame.
4. Better ammo for revolvers. Lots of cheap 9mm blasting ammo available.
5 Better Sights.

Some match grade autos, are just as accurate as revolvers.

Seems the grammar police are on duty.:uhoh:
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All of my Sigs have sights that I can see.
Got away from the three white dots a long time ago.
I have Trijicon HDXR sights with an orange dot and black rear on a couple.
XS RAM sights, orange dot and a black rear.
XS big dot, orange dot
TFO green fiber front and a plain rear.
My revolvers and semiautos for serious shooting all have equally good sights, so I don't see a difference really. Only real difference is on my longer barreled revolvers like my Bill Davis Custom Model 10 S&W 6" comp gun, and my S&W Model 25 with 8 3/8" barrel. Both of those longer barrels give me an edge with the longer sighting radius and will outshoot my other handguns, regardless of what type they are.
All my semi auto sights are the three dot variety, except on my PT911 which are Heini two dot. I find I can acquire the two dot much faster than the three dot.
I fixed that in that most of my ironsighted handguns have the same LPA fiber optic, adjustable sights. Same sight picture whether revolvers or semi-autos.
Too much overlap to make a generalized statement that revolver sights are better, or even inherently different. I would say my S&W M&P 3 dot white sights are on par with my S&W Model 29, and my S&W Model 642 is worse than both of them.
I used to shoot a lot of revolver in the 80's. I changed over to a Sig P226 in '89 as I entered my LEO career and today carry a P229SAO.

Yesterday, I pulled my Python out of the safe for a trip to the range. Even though I have not shot much .357 in the last 35 years, I shot it better than a P229SAO that I put 2,000+ rounds of 9mm through this year alone. By better, I mean faster first shots and tighter groups. Follow-up shot times were slower than with the semi-auto, but still quite reasonable.

One big difference I noticed is my almost 60 year old eyes can see the sights on the Python (and my Anaconda) significantly better than I can see the sights on my Sigs or my Colt 1911.

It was an absolute pleasure to shoot revolver again. Maybe because it was different. Maybe because I did not start experiencing eye strain after the first half hour. Maybe because I just really like .357 mag.

Anyone else in the same boat with revolver sites? Anyone carrying 4" revolvers as a main defensive firearm?

I don’t know if its sights but I find I shoot revolvers much better than any of the semi auto pistols I have. The only exception to that is I can shoot my 1911’s as well as my revolvers.
Thread title corrected. I can feel the nuns from my Catholic school days staring at me from above. You may have just saved me from years of purgatory.
My English teacher in 3rd grade taught me well, I was the spelling champ all the way through elementary school. I didn't go to Catholic school, I'd probably have had my hands slapped daily with a wooden ruler. Didn't mean to single you out, it's just stuff like that drives me nuts. :p
I Like this rear sight type on all. View attachment 1243532

Revolvers are at times, more accurate because of-
1 Better trigger.
2.Longer sigh radius.
3.No slop between slide & frame.
4. Better ammo for revolvers. Lots of cheap 9mm blasting ammo available.
5 Better Sights.

Some match grade autos, are just as accurate as revolvers.

Seems the grammar police are on duty.:uhoh:
That looks a lot like the rear sight on my BHP.
Too much overlap to make a generalized statement that revolver sights are better, or even inherently different. I would say my S&W M&P 3 dot white sights are on par with my S&W Model 29, and my S&W Model 642 is worse than both of them.

I agree with this.

However, since I, generally, prefer revolvers to autos, it would be reasonable to believe the sights could be included in the myriad of reasons that have something to do with it.
My revolvers and semiautos for serious shooting all have equally good sights, so I don't see a difference really.

Too much overlap to make a generalized statement that revolver sights are better, or even inherently different
I agree with you both.

I do not accept sights that do not work for me on my semiautos or my revolvers. If I don’t like the sights I either modify or replace them.
I fixed that in that most of my ironsighted handguns have the same LPA fiber optic, adjustable sights. Same sight picture whether revolvers or semi-autos.
Thank you for mentioning LPA Sights. I went searching and found the U.S. distributor / sales sight.
They have some interesting stuff.
I just adapt and overcome with what's provided. Grew sick of swapping sights. Spend spend spend. But I get along with sights on the Range Officer the best.
My Taurus 761 32mag, and my Colt Diamondback, have Millet or Millet-type sights installed. The Taurus is factory and I put them on my Colt. These sights are black rear, with a red painted Patridge. I love the sight picture, better than the original Accra sight.

My (son's) Buckmark has a similar sight, love it. I didn't care for the sights on the Glocks I carried for work, but they worked well, especially at night.
I prefer adjustable sights vs fixed sights on revolvers and semi-autos.

I’d rather tailor the gun to the cartridge not the cartridge to the gun.
Thank you for mentioning LPA Sights. I went searching and found the U.S. distributor / sales sight.
They have some interesting stuff.
And we all thought we'd got the sight/site thing worked out:p
Too much overlap to make a generalized statement that revolver sights are better, or even inherently different. I would say my S&W M&P 3 dot white sights are on par with my S&W Model 29, and my S&W Model 642 is worse than both of them.

Yes, they overlap quite a bit. Which made me start wondering why I can see the revolver sights better.

So, this morning I sat down with several autos and revolver to try to figure out the difference and succeeded. It isn't the sights, but rather where they sit in relation to my eyes.

Because of the design difference between an auto and a revolver, when holding these firearms the sights on a revolver are 2-3 inches farther away from my eyes than with an auto. It is just enough to make a big difference with my eye sight.

As longer arms and younger eyes are both off the table, maybe its time to explore a red dot for the P229.
A target revolver came the Elliason sight, target pistols have similar sights. Service pistols and service revolvers usually had fixed sights that were built more for sturdiness than ultimate accuracy. The pistols below were built for accuracy and have excellent sights.
