Simple Shooter
I used to shoot a lot of revolver in the 80's. I changed over to a Sig P226 in '89 as I entered my LEO career and today carry a P229SAO.
Yesterday, I pulled my Python out of the safe for a trip to the range. Even though I have not shot much .357 in the last 35 years, I shot it better than a P229SAO that I put 2,000+ rounds of 9mm through this year alone. By better, I mean faster first shots and tighter groups. Follow-up shot times were slower than with the semi-auto, but still quite reasonable.
One big difference I noticed is my almost 60 year old eyes can see the sights on the Python (and my Anaconda) significantly better than I can see the sights on my Sigs or my Colt 1911.
It was an absolute pleasure to shoot revolver again. Maybe because it was different. Maybe because I did not start experiencing eye strain after the first half hour. Maybe because I just really like .357 mag.
Anyone else in the same boat with revolver sites? Anyone carrying 4" revolvers as a main defensive firearm?
Yesterday, I pulled my Python out of the safe for a trip to the range. Even though I have not shot much .357 in the last 35 years, I shot it better than a P229SAO that I put 2,000+ rounds of 9mm through this year alone. By better, I mean faster first shots and tighter groups. Follow-up shot times were slower than with the semi-auto, but still quite reasonable.
One big difference I noticed is my almost 60 year old eyes can see the sights on the Python (and my Anaconda) significantly better than I can see the sights on my Sigs or my Colt 1911.
It was an absolute pleasure to shoot revolver again. Maybe because it was different. Maybe because I did not start experiencing eye strain after the first half hour. Maybe because I just really like .357 mag.
Anyone else in the same boat with revolver sites? Anyone carrying 4" revolvers as a main defensive firearm?